Chapter 10 - The Mourn

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Luffy is outside the hut, watching beetles fight one another when he notices Dogra with Alora on his back.

"Hm? Dogra!! You've been out looking for Ace and the boss right?! They both just came back just fine!! Also is Lora alright? Did she get tired and fall asleep?!" Luffy asks Dogra.

"I... Is that right? Well, that's good news...!!" Dogra says. Just then Xiamara comes out of the house.

"Where's Alo? AH! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Xiamara rushed to her best friend who passed out on Dogra's back.

"She's alright, she only passed out from exhaustion. I-I have something to tell you all..." Dogra trails off. "It's best we do it inside for everyone to hear. And we should put Little Alora to bed." Dogra says, going inside the hut with Luffy and Xiamara following after.


Everyone's face looked shocked and distraught. Ace then moves forwards and punches Dogra making him fall to the ground. "THAT'S A STINKING LIE!!! YOU DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT THAT!!!"

Xiamara covers her mouth with her hands. As Dogra explains to the others, Xiamara decided to go to her shared room with Alora. She arrived at their room and slid open the door to find Alora who still has not woken up. Xiamara kneeled beside her unconscious form and looked at her in worry.

"Please be okay, we're going to go through this together. Don't forget that I'm still here for you." Xiamara said with furrowed eyebrows. Xiamara did not flinch, hearing the ruckus outside. She was too focused on her best friend's well-being.

"SABOOOOO!!!!!" An extremely loud yell echoed through the house which made Xiamara snap out of her thoughts. She contemplates whether to go to Luffy or stay with Alora. 'She would scold me for not being there for Luffy...' Xiamara then tucks Alora in her bed for her to feel comfortable before rushing to Luffy.

Xiamara came rushing in the room with tissues for everyone. As of now, Xiamara fills in the role of her best friend who takes care of everyone. She then went to Luffy and wiped his tears away with a tissue before letting him blow on the tissue that she held up on his nose as she comforted him.

The Next Day...

Xiamara had avoided the part where Luffy had to be tied up on a tree by giving him a mission and that is to be Alora's guard which he accepted right away. Alora has not woken up yet, Xiamara grew really worried. Xiamara then overheard Dogra saying that there is a letter from Sabo. 'Oh no, it's this part...'

Xiamara walked outside and saw that Ace was gone, She quickly ran after him. As expected, Ace was there...near the cliff which shows the beautiful sea that gives a cold breeze. She heard his cries echoed throughout the place and it made her speed up her pace. "Ace..." she called out to him, Ace breath hitched at the sound of her voice.

"Go away, I don't need you here." He said harshly as Xiamara simply softly laughed in response. "Come here, I know you need it." Xiamara had her arms opened for him.

"Shut up! I don't need that or you right now!" He yelled, not facing her yet she stayed with open arms and she waited for him. After a while, Ace turned back to face her direction and slowly walked towards her way. He then surprisingly hugs her, even Xiamara didn't expect him to, she only thought that he would walk past her.

Xiamars reciprocates the hug with a smile as Ace quietly sobs on her shoulder. "Remember this Ace...I'll be here for you. I'll lend you my shoulder to cry on and I'll lend you my ear to tell me your worries. Share your pain with me, don't suffer alone." She said as Ace 's cries grew louder after hearing those words he never knew he could hear from a single person.

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