Chapter 16 - Whitebeard

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3rd POV:

It's been a few days since they've departed from the Red Hair Pirates. Both Xiamara and Alora miss them but they want to go on with their journey to grow stronger without depending on anyone except each other.

Xiamara sighed, eating the pancake Alora made for her. "Two and a half years till he set sails's quite boring waiting for the main storyline to start."

"At Least we'll get to meet the whitebeard pirates, maybe Thatch is still alive. We'll get to meet him too!" Alora replied to her friend. Suddenly Alora frowns a bit, "Hey Mara?"


"Should we save him? Thatch I mean?" Alora asked

Xiamara thought for a moment before answering. "I don't think we will reach that part. As much as I want to, I don't want to mess up the story..." She said frowning as she stared at the sea.

"I suppose... Yeah... you're right.." Alora said quietly as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Should one of us check if there is anywhere near our sight of the Moby Dick?" Xiamara asks her friend before finishing her food.

"Oh, I could! Give me a few minutes." Alora said as she stretched out her wings and flew up in the air. She makes sure to hide in the clouds to not be seen by anyone as she starts to look for Whitebeard's ship. She flew towards the west and started to look for them. As she was about to give up she saw a huge ship with a whale as its figurehead.

Alora's eyes lit up as she finally found the Moby Dick. "Found it! I'll have to tell Mara about this!" She smiled before flying back to their boat.

Alora slowly landed on the boat and ran up to Xiamara who's looking at her compass which was given by Benn.

"Mara! Mara!" Alora called out to her friend. Xiamara looked back the moment she heard her name. "Yeah? What's up?"

"I saw his ship! The Moby Dick! It's going in our direction from the West!" Alora told her friend.

"REALLY?! Lucky us. Running into famous people this easy..." Xiamara smirked.

"Can I fly ahead? I wanna say hi! OH! Or want me to teleport the boat?" Alora asked, her wings fluttering showing her excitement.


"PLEASEEE MARA!!" Alora begs her friend. Hands clasped together, she kneeled in front of her friends and gave her puppy eyes. "Pleaseee, pretty please with a cherry on top!"

"Oh yeah I forgot you could heal yourself...okay! You can go, take care!" Xiamara responded with a wave. Alora smiled and flew up to the sky and towards the moby dick once again.

Once the moby dick was once again in her sight decided to try and take a closer look, but unbeknownst to her a certain blond haired had noticed her approaching. He squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look. "What's that?"

Alora flew above the ship and took cover in some clouds. She then observed the Whitebeard pirates as they worked or did their own thing around the ship.

"I wanna get a closer look.." She told herself. Alora then teleported onto the crows nest of the ship, where luckily no one was there. She folded her wings and so they were now hidden under her shawl/cloak.

Alora then proceeded to teleport from the crows nest to behind some big crates. "Who are you? Come out of your hiding place-yoi." A blonde haired man called out, the other crewmates were now alerted as they did their fighting stance.

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