Chapter 12 - Oops...

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Both Xiamara and Alora arrived on an island with a small town a few hours ago. Alora was now exploring the island's jungle while Xiamara went to a bar to get some lunch.

Alora POV:

'Woah... This forest is pretty...' I thought to myself as I walked around. I have a list with me of supplies I could get from the forest. "I should get some fruits first." I declared and went in search for some fruits

A while later I found some berries, I went directly to the bushes to check if they were one of the poisonous berries or if they were safe to eat. Luckily they were safe to eat and started to pick some and put them in a bag. 'Those survival books I read sure do help'

After I picked enough berries I got up and decided to look for more fruits. As I walked I saw an apple tree nearby so I turned in its direction. As I took a step forward I tripped.

"ACK!" I fell face first to the ground. 'That hurts...' I thought as I rubbed my red forehead. I looked down to see what tripped me. "Diyos ko po..." (Translation: My God..) my eyes widened. It was a devil fruit. It was round, with swirls, it was this yellow or golden-ish colour, and... it had wings? 'The hell? That's weird... It's a devil fruit though. Imma just pocket it for later' I put the fruits in my personal bag and continued on to the apple tree.

I picked around 20 apples and called it a day, so I decided to rest for a bit. I looked around for a place to rest. I walked for a few minutes and found a small clearing, with a tree I could rest on. I set down my bag of fruits first and opened it to grab an apple. I then sat on the ground and slumped against the tree. I heard something fall down but I chose to ignore it.


Unbeknownst to Alora, it was another devil fruit that fell down. And by coincidence it fell into her bag of fruits.

Alora POV:

I chilled there under the tree for awhile, 'I got enough rest... and enough fruits for now. I could buy other supplies from the town. Good thing Makino, Mayor-san, and Dandan gave me an allowance, each. Hehehehe...'

I decided to get up and head to town. 'Let's go buy the other supplies I need. Wait... What do I need again?' I stopped in my place. 'Oh yeah! I need writing supplies, a journal, more maps, books, maybe a compass? I'll decide when I'm there.'

Later I reached the town, "Now to buy my supplies" I told myself as I headed towards the stationary shop I saw nearby. I got two journals from there, some pens, pencils, and erasers. After that I continued on with getting the rest of my supplies.


I got all the supplies me and Xiamara needed for our trip. I then looked for the bar Mara went to. Luckily the villager told me there are only three bars in the town so that lowers my search.

Xiamara POV:

I examined the exterior of the bar. "Seems like a decent place." I shrugged and walked in as I was greeted by the bartender. The place only had a few people inside who stopped their conversations as they stared at me for a moment before minding their business.

I sat on the bar stool and crossed my legs. "One beer and one curry meal, please" I smiled at the bartender guy. "Right away, pretty miss!" he says before rushing away to prepare my order. A few moments later, my order was served to me and I thanked the bartender before eating my food.

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