Inner Critic Has Been Shipwrecked!

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Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean....

Inner Critic: *tied up on a ship* Why did these pirates tie me up? I was just stating my opinion!

Waves: *getting mighty rough*

Inner Critic: *sees lightning and hears thunder* Oh no!!! *still tied up*

Ship: *riding along the rough waves of the ocean, battling the impending storm*

Inner Critic: *gets soaked by the heavy rain, and still tied up*

Winds: *get strong and does quite a bit of damage to the ship*

Inner Critic: *falls into the ocean and drowns* Help!!!!

Ship: *destroyed*

This story was written on Thursday, November 9th, 2023.

A/N Inner Critic is shipwrecked! He cannot withstand the waves of an angry ocean! This story idea was suggested by my friend Melissa, who is not on Wattpad, but I love her so much!! ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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