My Thanksgiving In Delaware

10 2 12

Pamela Ct

Dover, Delaware

Me: *watching King Of The Hill* This is the episode when Dale ate bugs.

Jamie: *keeping an eye on the turkey* Everything okay, cousin?

Me: Yes!

Girl: *holding her lunch tray* Did that guy just eat a bug?

Me: *laughs*

Jamie: *looks in the cabinets* No gravy? Unbelievable! David, want to ride with me to Food Lion real quick? I need to get some gravy for the turkey and stuffing.

Me: Sure! *turns off the TV*

Jamie: *shuts the oven off* Let's go! *leaves her house with her car keys*

Me: *leaves, and closes the front door*

Jamie: *unlocks her blue 1975 Lincoln Continental coupe, with a Delaware license plate on it, and gets in*

Me: *gets in, and buckles up*

Jamie: *backs out of her driveway*

This story was written on Thursday, November 23rd, 2023. (Thanksgiving Day)

A/N I am spending Thanksgiving here in the Blue Hen State! (Fictionally) Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!! ❤❤❤❤❤

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