2023 Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past!

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Clyde: With December 1st this Friday, 2023 will soon be ancient history!

Beatrice: Crazy!

Lois: I'll be glad when this year ends! My cousin got arrested back in April! Worst time of my life!

Jonathan: Oh snap!

Lois: Yeah, she obviously has a criminal record. She lives in Illinois, though.

Olivia: Is she still in jail?

Lois: Yes. 2023 can kiss my butt.

Stella: I'm with ya there. This summer was awful! We dealt with the wildfire smoke from the Canadian wildfires!

ice_elizy: No kidding!! Did a number on my breathing!

Clyde: You have asthma?

ice_elizy: Sadly, yes.

Clyde: I'm sorry.

ice_elizy: Its okay. I try to keep it under control. I have my inhaler with me at all times.

Clyde: Good. Here's to a joyous 2024!

This story was written on Sunday, November 26th, 2023.

A/N 2023 hasn't got that many days left! I won't miss it, that's for sure! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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