Charlie Had To Be Rushed To The Hospital!

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Breanca96: Where's Charlie?

Me: Um.......

Breanca96: David, where is he?

Me: He had to be rushed to the hospital!

Breanca96: Oh my gosh! Is he okay? *worried*

Me: He's been coughing up this white stuff. It was nonstop, and he had trouble breathing.

Breanca96: I think he was coughing up pus! But, I want to go to the hospital to see him! *holding back tears*

Ken: Come on, I'll drive you two!

Me: Come on, Breanca. *walks outside*

Breanca96: *voice cracking* Please let him be alright. *following me*

This story was written on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.

A/N Charlie got rushed to the hospital! Iris called 911! 😰 Please hope he'll be okay! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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