Happy 14th Birthday Olivia

9 3 19

Turnerville Pizza Palace

New London Rd

Turnerville, Connecticut

All Of Us: Happy Birthday, Olivia!

Olivia: Thank you!! I am 14 now!

Me: That's great!

Clyde: Yup!

Waitress: *serves us our food, wearing thigh high boots* Enjoy!

Olivia: Why are all the waitresses wearing thigh high boots? *eats her anchovies pizza*

Stella: Just because. *eats her tomato soup*

Olivia: Sounds stupid.

Jasmine: I think its awesome. *eats her pepperoni pizza*

Olivia: Take off those boots!

Jasmine: You tell me to take them off again, and I'll beat you up!

Olivia: You can't beat me up on my birthday!

Jasmine: Sure I can! *beats up Olivia*

Olivia: *getting beat up*

Brunette Hair Waitress: *wearing red thigh high boots, and whistling*

Jasmine: *still beating up Olivia*

Olivia: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, November 16th, 2023.

A/N Happy 14th Birthday Olivia, I guess. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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