Seeing Charlie In The Hospital

7 2 21

Middlesex Health

Crescent St

Middletown, Connecticut

Charlie: *very weak and on a bed*

Me: Charlie?

Charlie: *weakly* Hello.

Breanca96: Are you okay, Charlie?

Charlie: *weakly* I think so. *hacking cough*

Breanca96: How long are you gonna be here?

Charlie: *weakly* I don't know. I....

Ken: Charlie, its me, Ken! You hanging in there, buddy?

Charlie: *weakly* Yeah. *hacking cough* Dag nabbit! *wheezing*

Breanca96: I hate to see you like this.

Charlie: *still hacking cough, and wheezing*

Ken: I think we should go. Charlie needs his rest. We'll be back tomorrow, okay, buddy?

Charlie: *still hacking cough and wheezing*

Us: *leaving the hospital*

This story was written on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.

A/N Poor Charlie!! Hopefully, he will be released soon! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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