Too Many Creeps I Swear!

10 3 43


Queen St

Palookaville, Connecticut

Jasmine: *eating a Big Mac, and 10 piece nuggets with BBQ sauce, and drinking a Coke*

Man: Can I have one of your nuggets? *yellow, crooked teeth, and smells awful, due to not showering*

Jasmine: Dude, when was the last time you took a bath? You reek! And, no you can't have one of my nuggets!

Man: I asked for one!

Jasmine: No! Get your own!

Man: Can I kiss you?

Jasmine: *pepper sprays the man*

Man: My eyes!!!

Breanca96: *walks into McDonald's* Get out of here, creepo! Leave my girlfriend alone!

Man: *eyes burning* I can't see!!!

Breanca96: *opens the door* Out!

Man: *walks out, still with his eyes burning*

This story was written on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023.

A/N There's too many creeps in the fictional realm!!! Be safe, my fictional women! ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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