Jonathan Is Going To Virginia For Thanksgiving

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Jonathan: I am going to Virginia for Thanksgiving.

Lamar: That's what's up, brother! Where in Va? Portsmouth?

Jonathan: Richmond.

Lamar: Ah! The capital! Its about maybe an hour from Norfolk!

Jonathan: Yeah, its where Interstate 95, and Interstate 64 merge together.

Lamar: Can I ride with you to Virginia?

Jonathan: *unsure* Well, ya see....

Breanca96: He's joking, Jonathan! Its just his way!

Jonathan: Oh okay, ha!

Lamar: I have family in Virginia too! I was born and raised in VA!

Jonathan: Cool! My mom is from Virginia!

This story was written on Thursday, November 9th, 2023.

A/N Jonathan is traveling to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Thanksgiving! 😁 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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