Jonathan Is Back From Virginia

8 2 12

Santaangelo Circle

Middletown, Connecticut

Jonathan's Mother: Feels good to be home!

Jonathan: Yup.

Jonathan's Father: We might be going to Tennessee for Christmas.

Jonathan: Okay. *hears a knock on the door*

Jonathan's Mother: Go see who it is.

Jonathan: *opens the door, seeing an old man, with grey hair, thick mustache, and long beard that touches the ground*

Old Man: Hey, sonny, how are ya?

Jonathan: Do I know you?

Old Man: Got a jar of spaghetti sauce?

Jonathan: No.

Old Man: What about some chocolate milk? *walks inside*

Jonathan: Get out!!!

Old Man: *opens the fridge, and looks around*

Jonathan's Mother: *hits the old man with a broom* Get!!! You don't belong here! Scat!

Old Man: Okay, I'm going!!! *leaves*

Jonathan's Mother: Don't let anyone you don't know inside the house again! You hear me?!

Jonathan: Sorry. *rolls his eyes*

This story was written on Sunday, November 26th, 2023.

A/N Jonathan is now back from VA! Glad he had a safe trip back home! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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