Steven Made Ken Cry By His Heartfelt Speech

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Steven: *opening the can of cranberry sauce*

Ken: Put it in the bowl.

Steven: *puts it in the bowl*

Turkey: *cooking in the oven*

Steven: Need some soda. *accidentally steps on Ken's foot*

Ken: YOW!!! You blithering idiot!!

Steven: Oops, sorry!

Ken: Time to get beat up!

Steven: No!!! Let me tell you something!

Ken: I'm listening!

Steven: Two years ago, I was wandering the streets. It was so cold. I nearly froze to death. Then, you came along. You took me in, when I didn't have a home. You provided me with food and shelter. No other person would have been that lucky. You gotta be grateful that you took me in at all, instead of freezing to death like a lost animal. You opened your heart to me. Where else I could have been?

Ken: *lips trembling*

Steven: Isn't that something to be thankful for? Am I right, or am I wrong?

Ken: *bursts into tears* Oh, Steven!!! That was beautiful!!!

Steven: Its okay, Ken.

Ken: *choked sobs* No its not! I been such a jerk towards you, Steven! Every time I beat you up, it was out of anger, and I apologize for my behavior! Can you ever forgive me?

Steven: I do.

Ken: *choked sobs* Thank you!!! I'm so thankful that I took you in!

Steven: And, I am very thankful I have a roof over my head!

Ken: *stops crying* I'll never beat you up again, as long as I live!

Steven: Scout's honor?

Ken: Scout's honor!

Steven: Yes!!! This is now the start of a new beginning!!! Things are gonna be different from now on!

Ken: *chuckles*

Steven: What's so funny?

Ken: You fool!!! I didn't really cry! Those were fake tears!! I faked the whole thing!!

Steven: What the heck?!

Ken: Did you actually believe that I was not gonna beat you up anymore?! You're so gullible!! I was just pretending to be moved by your speech!!

Steven: I don't understand!!! You lied to me!!! I never felt so double crossed in my life!! How dare you?!

Ken: *mocking* What are you gonna do about it? Beat me up?!

Steven: Don't push your luck, pal!! Its Thanksgiving!!

Ken: I don't care!! Now, its time to get beat up!!

Steven: No!!! I am standing my ground!!

Ken: Just let me beat you up!! Are you scared?! *clucks like a chicken*

Steven: *getting steamed up*

Ken: *still clucking like a chicken*

Steven: *beats up Ken*

Ken: *getting beat up*

Radio: *playing Why Can't We Be Friends by War*

Steven: *still beating up Ken*

Ken: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, November 23rd, 2023. (Thanksgiving Day)

A/N Steven, props to you bro!!! That was such an emotional speech! You made Ken burst into tears!! Maybe, there's hope for you yet! Maybe..... 😉 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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