Inner Critic Trapped On An Island

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Loser's Island

Inner Critic: *washed ashore*

Crab: *snaps Inner Critic*

Inner Critic: Yow!!! Stupid crab!!!

Crab: Want some more?! Huh, do ya?!

Inner Critic: *stammering* No! Go away!

Crab: *moves to a different part of the island*

Sea Gulls: *flying*

Inner Critic: Those stupid pirates! Where am I? Is there any food around here?

Sun: *shining all around*

Inner Critic: All I see are coconut trees. I hate coconuts! I need some real food!

Island Girl: You are on Loser's Island! There is no escape from the island!

Inner Critic: I'm stuck here forever?

Island Girl: Yes! If you want food, come to my village!

Inner Critic: Finally, some real food!

Island Girl: I hope you like coconut stew!

Inner Critic: Ew, no!

Island Girl: We only survive by eating coconuts here! You can eat, or die!

Inner Critic: I should eat you!

Island Girl: Bya ka nei! Bya ka nei!

Island Man: *beats up IC*

Inner Critic: *getting beat up*

Island Girl: *whistling*

Island Man: *still beating up IC*

Inner Critic: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, November 9th, 2023.

A/N Inner Critic is stranded on an island, where escape is impossible! This is a follow up to my previous story! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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