Melissa Is Part Of A Magic Trick

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Connecticut Magical Society

Trunch St

Hartford, Connecticut

Magician: Good evening, folks! I need someone for my magical act! Who will go this box?

Melissa Hoon: *sitting down* Me!!

Magician: Come on down!

Melissa Hoon: *comes on down*

Magician: *opens a shiny, brown box* Step inside the box, if you please!

Melissa Hoon: *steps inside the box*

Magician: Lower yourself.

Melissa Hoon: *lowers herself*

Magician: Wave at the audience!

Melissa Hoon: *waves from the box*

Magician: *closes the box, and locks it with the key* Okay, folks! I will light these matches, and put them on the box, burning it to ash!

Audience: *gasps*

Magician: *lights some matches, and throws them on the box with Melissa locked inside*

Shiny Brown Box: *burning to ash*

Audience: *gasps and is stunned*

Magician: The box has now burned into an ash pile!

Melissa Hoon: I'm here, folks! *reappears out of nowhere*

Audience: *clapping*

This story was written on Monday, November 13th, 2023.

A/N What a magic trick that was!!! ✨✨✨ Melissa got out of that box in some form of fashion!!! 👀👀👀 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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