That Was A Rather Awkward Situation 😶

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Carriage Crossing Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Clyde: *eating a large cheese pizza from Wooster St Pizza*

Girl: *brown hair, blue eyes, black dress, white nylons, and black dress shoes* Can I have some of your pizza?

Clyde: Uh, who are you?

Girl: I come from somewhere. I asked you if I can have some of your pizza.

Clyde: No! Get out of my home! Mom!!!!

Clyde's Mother: *hollers* I'm in the bathroom!!

Clyde: Get out of here right now!

Girl: Not until you give me some of your pizza! *drops dead*

Clyde: Oh my gosh! Is she dead?

Girl: *dead*

Clyde: *notices something awkward* What the?

Pizza: *turning into ash*

Clyde: My pizza!!! What the heck is going on?! *gets shook up by a loud clap of thunder* They didn't predict any thunderstorms!!! Its November, and its cold!

Clyde's Father: *comes in* A storm is coming, son! Its gotten so warm all of a sudden! *hears the rain come down*

Clyde: *shaking like a leaf* Something weird is going on! *hears the heavy rain, with occasional rumbles of thunder, and seeing flashes of lightning through the windows*

Weatherman: Got some thunderstorms in the area, and they're not moving fast! Expect flash flooding!!

Clyde: *mouth poked out, and eyes wide as he sees the radar, indicating the thunderstorm activity throughout Connecticut*

This story was written on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.

A/N What an awkward situation this turned out to be!!! 😶 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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