Steven Is Totally Clueless About NaNoWriMo 😅😅😅

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Steven: *rapidly trying to write a 5,000 word novel*

Jasmine: Are you writing a story?

Steven: Yes, for NaNoWriMo.

Jasmine: Today is the last day, Steven! You had all this month to write a story of 5,000 words! You had to start back on November 1st at midnight!

Steven: I thought you could start anytime?

Jasmine: You're so clueless! *laughs* I have to beat you up!

Steven: No!! I gotta use the bathroom!! *runs towards the bathroom, but is grabbed by Jasmine* Gah!!

Jasmine: *beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Radio: *playing Fire and Desire by Rick James, featuring Teena Marie*

Jasmine: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Thursday, November 30th, 2023.

A/N Steven doesn't know squat about National Novel Writing Month! Today's the last day! 😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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