Inner Critic Just Face The Facts

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Inner Critic: *forlornly* I don't get it. How come everyone hates me?

Stella: Cause, you criticize writers too much.

Inner Critic: Well, yeah. Its my job.

Stella: Its not like you get paid for it.

Inner Critic: I just wish that writers would accept me for what I am.

Stella: Everyone hates you. The end. *walks away*

Inner Critic: The world is such a cruel place.

Evil Clown: For YOU! *scares Inner Critic*

Inner Critic: *screams and runs away in fear*

Evil Clown: *evil laughing* He'll be back!

This story was written on Thursday, November 30th, 2023.

A/N Inner Critic, just face the music! Everyone hates you! Period! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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