Cold And Windy Day

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Stella: Its cold and windy here!

Iris: You ain't kidding! *turns up the thermostat*

Francis: There was some flurries earlier.

Carlton: Yup.

Clyde: Olivia ignored me in school today.

Lamar: What? Why would she do that?

Clyde: No idea.

Lamar: Girl, what's your problem?

Olivia: I was just joking around.

Clyde: But, you and some girls ran away from me! You were giggling!

Iris: Olivia, next time that happens, I'm calling your parents! Do you understand?

Olivia: Yes. Sorry, Clyde.

Clyde: *feels the heat* Its okay.

This story was written on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023.

A/N Cold and blustery day here!! Brr!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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