Happy 17th Birthday Kyle!!

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Meriden Pizza Palace

Thompson St

Meriden, Connecticut

All Of Us: Happy Birthday, Kyle!

Kyle: Thank you!

Breanca96: How old are you now?

Kyle: 17!

Me: Awesome!!

Waitress: *serves us our food* Enjoy!

Kyle: *eats his pepperoni pizza*

Me: *eating my bacon and sausage pizza*

Breanca96: *eating her sausage and pepperoni pizza* This is delicious!

Kyle: Absolutely! *steals Breanca's slices*

Breanca96: Boy, have you lost your mind?!!!

Kyle: Its my birthday, and I can do whatever I want!

Jasmine: I think you have the wrong idea! Meet me outside, so I can beat you up!

Kyle: No!

Jasmine: Fine, I'll beat you up here! *beats up Kyle*

Kyle: *getting beat up*

Breanca96: He's lucky I didn't whoop him with my belt!

Jasmine: *still beating up Kyle*

Kyle: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Sunday, November 19th, 2023.

A/N Happy 17th Birthday, Kyle! But that doesn't mean you can eat someone's food, and not deal with the consequences!! 😅😅😅😅😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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