Olivia You Two Faced Jerk!

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Middletown High School

LaRosa Lane

Middletown, Connecticut

Clyde: *finishes eating his lunch, and takes his tray to the cleaning window* On my way to English class. *exits the cafeteria, and sees Olivia, and a bunch of other girls waiting for him. Hi, Olivia.

Olivia: Run, girls!! *runs away*

Girls: *running away with Olivia, giggling*

Clyde: What the heck?! She and those girls ignored me!!!

Jonathan: What's wrong, man?

Clyde: Olivia, and those girls ran from me, giggling! I said hi to Olivia, and she told her friends to run!

Jonathan: That's messed up!

Clyde: *voice cracking* What did I do to deserve this?

Jonathan: *hugs Clyde*

Clyde: *hugs Clyde back*

Jonathan: We'll tell Ken about this.

This story was written on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023.

A/N This is so messed up, Olivia! You're such a jerk! 😡 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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