Charlie Will Be Missed 💔

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WendyyWolfe: I can't believe that Charlie is gone! He was such a swell fella!

Ken: He certainly was! He could brighten anyone's day!

Scott: Was he from around here?

Ken: No, he was from North Dakota.

Scott: So, whenever funeral arrangements are made, we're going all the way to North Dakota to attend?

Ken: No, that's too far of a trip.

Scott: Can't we fly?

Ken: No, some people have a fear of heights. The funeral will be held here in Connecticut.

WendyyWolfe: That makes sense. Let me know when the funeral arrangements have been made.

Ken: Will do.

Breanca96: I'm gonna miss him.

Me: Me too.

Jasmine: He was a good dude.

This story was written on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023.

A/N We will miss you, Charlie! 💔💔💔💔 You may be gone forever, but you'll always be in our hearts! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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