The Pharaoh

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Karsin & Suozzo were watching the latest video that had just dropped on the Mirac Blog.

Alya: Don't blink now, 'cause we are live from Paris. Yo peeps, Alya here, bringing you the one and only Mirac Blog.

Helicopter noises were heard. 

Alya: Huh? What is that?

Ladybug flew by, hanging on to her yo-yo, tied to a helicopter while Prizmaltorch was running after the helicopter and the duo dropped two books.

Alya: Prizmaltorch & Ladybug in action. Hang on 'cause we're going for a ride.

Alya ran over and picked up the books.

Alya: Freak out! What you got here are no ordinary books, they're a tenth grade history book and a tenth grade drama book. And I should know, 'cause I've got these very same books. Could our very own Prizmaltorch & Ladybug be high school students, in real life? Whoa!

(Author's Note): Drama is Karsin's favorite subject.

Karsin: Aw crude. You made the wrong choice Suozzo.

Suozzo: What's done is done; we can't change what happened. We can only move forward. Alya must not find out who you are. You know how persistent she can be with her blog totally dedicated to Prizmaltorch & Ladybug.

Karsin: But how? Maybe I'm not cut out for this whole Prizmaltorch thing. But I'm not gonna give up. I've gotta cover my tracks & I think I know how. Come on Suozzo.

Suozzo hid in Karsin's pocket and together the duo went to the Louvre.

At The Louvre...

Karsin was walking around the Louvre hoping that he would find something that would help him cover his tracks on him being Prizmaltorch and then heard Marinette & Alya talking and went to see what was going on and Karsin said hi to Marinette & Alya while they said hi back to Karsin.

Karsin: So, what brings you to the Louvre.

Alya: Marinette told me that she found something out on Ladybug. And I've got something to tell you.

Alya brought out Karsin's drama book without knowing it was his.

Alya: Prizmaltorch dropped this. And I've got the same book, I just need to find out who owns this and I've unmasked Prizmaltorch.

Karsin got worried and decided to speak up.

Karsin: I don't think you should because, the people he cares about might get caught in the crossfire and I don't think he would want that. And speaking of Prizmaltorch I think I've found out something about him.

Alya got interested about it but then Jalil Kubdel ran between Karsin, Alya and Marinette carrying a folder full of papers. He pushed past them and tripped, papers flew everywhere. His pendant fell, and he picked it up.

Jalil: It's not broken!

Alya was kind of annoyed.

Alya: Uh, I'm okay too, thanks for asking.

Jalil: I'm sorry. Hey, you're in the same grade as Alix, right? I'm her older brother, Jalil Kubdel. So you're into Tutankhamun too?

Then Jalil looked up and saw Mr. Kubdel.

Jalil: Dad!

Alya: Weird. So again girl, why are we here? This exhibit's got something to do with Ladybug? For reals? And you Karsin you said you found something out about Prizmaltorch?

Miraculous Prizmaltorch Season 1: A Hero's ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now