Princess Fragrance

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Nadja was doing a new report on TV.

Nadja: (in a news report) Welcome. Prizmaltorch, Ladybug, and Cat Noir have saved Paris once again. Jean Duparc was akumatized into the very menacing Magician of Misfortune, threatening to make the Eiffel Tower vanish in a puff of smoke. 

Prizmaltorch arrived at a subway, where he turned back into Karsin as he walked upstairs.

Suozzo: That storm was cool. Pun intended.

Karsin laughed and then remembered something.

Karsin: I missed class again! Along with Mari and Adro. I'm so dead.

Karsin then ran over to the college.

At The College...

Karsin arrived outside the entrance, and it seemed like the school day was already over and was slightly annoyed.

Nino: Dude.

Alya: You missed school today. What happened?

The blondie made an excuse for why he was late and Nino and Alya laughed at it.

Karsin: Well, I've gotta go.

Karsin was about to go but then Marinette tripped over someone's bag and decided to run over and help her before she could fall on the ground.

Karsin: You okay Mari?

Marinette: Uh, yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Karsin.

Karsin smiled and then walked over to Chloe and Sabrina but then the blondie noticed something in his sister's hand.

Karsin: What's that thing in your hand Chloe?

Chloe started to understand what he was talking about and opened her hand revealing Tikki pretending to be a plush doll.

Chloe: This is some kind of plush doll I found on the ground. Once I give this to Prince Ali, he will lay his eyes on me and will forget all about those sick kids.

As Chloe laughed, Karsin just got annoyed and rolled his eyes.

Karsin: *mumbles* Keep telling yourself that. I think that belongs to Marinette, you should give it back to her.

Chloe then laughed.

Chloe: It's not hers anymore. Finders, keepers.

Karsin: That's the British word for stealing.

Chloe just rolled her eyes.

Chloe: Let's just go okay. I'm not gonna be late to see Prince Ali because of your tardiness.

Rose: D-did I hear you say Prince Ali?

Chloé: Not to you.

Karsin: He's staying at my dad's hotel.

Chloé: The only hotel fit for a Prince, and I'm going to be the first to meet him. Isn't he lucky?

Rose: Oh, please, could you give him a special letter for me?

Karsin: No prob.

Rose: Oh, that is so amazingly sweet of you to do that for me.

Karsin: Of course. It's what friends do.

Chloe just laughed which confused the two.

Chloe: There is no way I'm gonna let that fish funk go on me. It will be embarrassing.

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