✩ Chapter 4

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Eris: "so your telling me we all have a piece of that crystal infused in us "

Kiya : "this a lie right!!"

Eveyln: "please tell me its a lie"

Mrs aleph: "im sorry but it's true but i should tell you about your families since you all have the right to know"

Jaxie: "i'm done"

Mrs aleph: "first off Jaxie!

your family was the most powerful Alchemist, they were the best of the best, they often worked for powerful people and royalty!

And Eveyln your family were powerful illusion masters, they owned a Circus and they were very good at performing!

and kiya your father was the king of the underworld and your mother was a human that would be the reason why you only have one demon eye your half demon

and finally you!

Eris! you belong to a royal family, they were a king and queen of a beautiful planet Crystalline and other multiple planets your father had the chaos magic while your mother was the princess of heaven and had the divine magic"

now, you need to get your weapons !"

They follow Mrs aleph to the Ritual hall.

Jaxie: "so.. Mrs aleph i noticed that your called Mrs , are you married?"

Mrs aleph: "oh yes i am! Mr Maddox is my husband"

"Mr Maddox? Why does that name sound familiar?"

Kiya thought

Jaxie: "huh? How come you don't have your husband's last name?"

Mrs aleph: "Oh I do! Aleph is my first name, anyways here it is"

They all stood in front of the Ritual hall.

Inside it was dark,

Only lit by candle light, it was like a library,  large and gothic.  

Eris: "oh wow! It's cozy here!"

Jaxie: "I mean yea it is pretty in here..but can we get this over with"

Kiya: "So how exactly will we get our weapons ?"

Mrs aleph: "like in the way Indigo and yvette told you! Were you not paying attention?"

Kiya: "no I was paying attention, I'm just confused about how drawing blood will help us get weapons"

Mrs Aleph: " You will see"

One by one they draw a bit of blood a pour a bit  into a circle, Miss aleph whispers chants as she put her on top of there's,

Mrs Aleph: " This is just a initiation ritual of sorts, Like you're truly part of the school body now. When you graduate, you'll get your drops of blood back! It's just a little ritual we do around here!"

Suddenly, a puff of smoke appeared In the bat that was initially transparent turned more and more solid as it flew into the room rapidly.

Mrs Aleph: " It appears that a spirit has awoken!" She said, with surprise.

The bat flew off into a corner, then to a table with paper.

Ink spilled on to paper.

Jaxie ran over, suddenly everything made sense.

Jaxie: "her name is Willow, she bore that name long before"

Willow nested in Jaxie's hair.

Mrs Aleph: " It is quite unusual for spirits to become companions... Maybe she has some sort of connection to you"

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