✩ Chapter 15

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Mira: "Ok so now what you want to do is let the light shine on rare bearberry flower it can sprout bigger fruit"

Eris: "Oh! What color light do I use?"

They were both In a large greenhouse where all the plants that fruited the organics were produced.

The school used the fruits as a useful stream of income, so students occasionally volunteered to help with the taking care of the plants.

Mira was telling Eris how some plants needed specifically colored light to bear the best fruit for an upcoming exam.

Mira: "Ciyan, or maybe even green! But ciyan is better"

Eris: "And what about this one?"

Mira: "Izanium? You would use pink"

Eris: "Ohh ok! So...do you have any plans for after this?"

Mira: "Not really, why? Do you want to hang out later?"

Eris: "Yes! All we really do together is study and I thought you should join my friends so we can actually hang out!"

Mira: "oh I would love to!.. Wait, your friends? Does that mean all of them?"

Eris: "uh, yea?"

A couple hours later all four of them were outside the dark library, and then soon enough Mira approached them.

Eris: "Heyy!"

Evelyn: "Yo"

Kiya: "Hello"

Mira: "hey guy-"

Jaxie: "Sup"

Mira stared at her for a second.

Jaxie: "s-sorry"

Eris: "Did you all bring your pencils!?"

She excitedly cheered so loudly that it actually startled Willow, who was on Jaxie shoulder.

They all cheered back and headed into the library which was hosting an art contest.

Ezra walked to a stage and began talking.

Ezra: "Hello everyone! Welcome to the annual arcane of magics art contest! For all those participating, please put your name into this raffle box, Everyone will be assigned partners for the contest

And for those who are simply here to watch please take a seat over to the right and make sure to watch your step.The spirits like to play tricks and make people trip! Haha"

Evelyn: "Alright guys i'm going sit over there"

Mira: "Oh why not?"

Evelyn: "Cus I can't draw"

Mira: "But you'll never know if you never try-!"

Evelyn: "Eris told me that once in middle school, I'm never gonna show my shit art against other people's masterpieces ever again. It was so embarrassing..."

Mira: "uh, Middle school......?"

Everyone inserted their names into the raffle and all the names were called,

Evelyn decided to watch from the sidelines and was cheering on their friends.

Eris: "Kiya?! You're my partner? wow awesome luck huh?"

Kiya: "I know right!"

Jaxie opened the paper that told her who her partner will be.

Jaxie: "Mira! Hey, we're partners''

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