✩ Chapter 11

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Kiya: "Sigh... long school day huh?"

They said as they crashed into their bed.

Eris: "Darn right!"

Kiya: "So where were you yesterday?"

Eris: "uhh...I...OH YEA I discovered a new power!...yea"

Kiya: "Really!?"

Eris: "I found out I can make healing tea!"

Kiya: "That's so cool! By the way, are you doing anything today?"

Eris: "oh, yea I am!"

Kiya: "And that is..?"

Eris: "I'm going on a date with Elios!"

Kiya: "Elios?! Why? He's an asshole!"

Eris: "no...he's actually pretty chill if you get to know him a little bit!"

Kiya: "did you forget the first time we ever met??"

Eris: "Ohh, right! that reminds me, he apologized about how he was acting that day"

Kiya: "Why doesn't he tell it to me to my face"

Eris: "Honestly, you might try beating his ass just for being around you"

Kiya: "Yeah. Well, if he does anything stupid, I'll be a disaster. For him"

Eris jumped off her bed to get ready.

Eris: "What do you think I should wear?"

Eris pulled out a navy blue dress.

Eris: "It's a nice dress, but I don't know if this is the occasion to wear it..."

Kiya: "What's the point of trying to Impress him out of all people"

They said, still lying on their bed.

Eris: "Hey , do you think a black and gold dress would look nicer?"

Eris pulled out a White dress With light pink sleeves.

Eris: "That's the exact opposite of what I wanted, but actually it looks pretty cute! I think those white low heels over there would look nice with them"

Eris put them all on and applied some makeup, then there was a knock on the door.

Eris headed to the door.

When she opened it Elios was standing there in a gray sweater and black pants, His hair nicely combed.

Elios: "hello"

Eris: "Hi! You look nice~ Shall we go now?"

Eris: "yes"

They both left and started walking down the hallway near the exit that led to the gardens.

Eris: "So where are we going anyway?"

Elios: "you'll see"

They both walked out to the garden and all the way to the end, which led to a large fancy black fence.

Elios flew over it.

Eris: "Wait. We're not allowed to leave the school grounds, especially not on a weekday"

Elios: "It will be fine. even if we do get into trouble, i'll take the blame, since I'm taking you here"

Eris: "A-are you sure.....?"

Elios: "yes"

He had a strong dominating but also comfortable look, It set something off in Eris, but she didn't know what.

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