✩ Chapter 14

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Evelyn and Jaxie arrived in the dorms after history class.

Jaxie: "They're not here either!"

Evelyn: "Look, I'm pretty sure they're fine! They probably just skipped history clas-"

Jaxie: "That's not any better! We have a pretty important test coming up!

They're the ones that wanted to give the school a try so badly. Why are they now the ones skipping??"

Evelyn: "God you're such a cop sometimes, just let them live"

Jaxie: "It's the same thing back on Earth! You guys don't wanna take responsibility for your actions and just expect it all to workout. And then y'all end up in some deep shit that I always need to get you out of."

Evelyn: "Well, I went to history class! all right?!

Anyways, I have something to do today so you have fun trying to track him down."

Jaxie: "OoOoOhh, what important plans do you have today?!"

Evelyn: "None of your business!"

Evelyn, like they were on cue, swiftly moved into their dorm room and changed.

They wore a rainbow turtleneck underneath a black shirt with black Jean shorts, fishnets and knee high black and white striped socks and red shoes.

They walked out of the dorm, and into the garden.

They walked to the very edge until they found a specific spot where the sun was shining.

a small waterfall that was flowing through a stream of water,

There was one bench there ,the spot was pretty far out into the forest.

Evelyn sat down and they waited.

10 minutes later, they heard footsteps behind them.

They looked over and saw a boy with a green short sleeved hoodie with a black sweater underneath.

He had black hair with bangs almost covering his eyes.

?: "Evelyn, is that you?"

Evelyn: "Yup, it's me! and I already checked if anyone was around"

?: "Ok good! Sorry that part always freaks me out whenever we visit each other haha"

Evelyn: "Aww, it's ok babe! Come here"

They both hugged on the bench.

?: "hey eve~"

Evelyn: "Hi dan"

Daniel: "You look great today!"

Evelyn: "You to"

Daniel: "Are you sure no one's around?"

Evelyn: "No! you idiot~"

They giggled padding Daniel on the head.

Evelyn: "So, how was your day?"

Daniel: "Ohh God, it was horrible!

My math teacher was being way more insufferable than usual.

He's so pretentious, I was wearing a band T. Shirt and he asked me if I knew any songs for them, So I started listing off some of their songs and he said I wasn't listing off any of "the real ones" And told me not to wear it"

Evelyn: "bebe, aren't you supposed to be wearing your uniform in class?"

Daniel: "No this was before class started, this was in the morning"

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