✩ Chapter 28

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Ashly: "Red and white stripes with black lily in the middle, I saw it back there"

Jaxie: "So another ravaged place? I hope people survive this time.."

The group was making their daily trek, Covering black spots and doing what they could to help destroyed villages.

Ashly: "No. That flag was new. That means that they're probably still there...Notice all the smoke in the air. It's probably from fires"

Eris: "So then what do we do? Do we wait for them to leave?"

Jaxie: "That would defeat the point of us being here Eris, We have never directly engaged with the enemy and I was getting worried that we wouldn't have the chance to before just waltzing into the heart of it!"

Willow chirped concernedly

Jaxie: " Willow, I don't want to bring Wynna to a active war zone....But I don't wanna leave her in the woods either"

Wynna was asleep on her shoulders.

Apollo: "Would this be a bad time to mention that....... I'm terrible at fighting?"

Kiya: "Literally the worst"

Apollo: "I'll try not to die"

As they inched closer and closer to the village, they could feel the waves of heat from fires burning and the screams of people.

Wynna: "Jax, I'm scared"

She said groggily after waking up, rubbing her eyes, woken up by the screams.

Jaxie: "We can't bring you in there...Willow you going to have to take care of her"

Willow chirped in a slightly disappointed tone, but still obliged.

Wynna: "Jax! Wait. I'm scared, I don't wanna hide! I feel safer with you!"

Jaxie: "Wynna, I cannot let you under any circumstances go with me! Willow!"

Wynna: "Please!"

Willow, a bat of amazing strength dragged Wynna away deep into the forest where she hopefully won't be found by the wrong people.

The group split into three,

Ashley and Eris went in first,

Then went Jaxie,

Lastly, Kiya, Apollo and Elios.

The charred wood of homes filled Ashley's lungs.

Ashley: "The smell is familiar.."

She said reminiscently, procrastinating actually trying to find anyone.

Eris: "It's just like my exam...."

They started running around through the blazing town,

Eris was running around until Ashley grabbed her wrist and jolted her to the side.

Eris: "What the-"

Ashley: "SHHHH! Shut the fuck up! Look, you can hear them calling out underneath"

She whisper-screamed.

Ashley was pointing at an almost fully charred dilapidated house.

Eris leaned in and listened closely.

Now she can clearly hear people coming from underneath.

Eris: "Oh! There's people under there!"

Ashley: "Yeah, they are. I guess they got lucky and managed to hide before Lorenzo's....Henchman...finished them off"

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