✩ Chapter 27 (18+)

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Elios stared at the roof, from his bed on the floor inside Siren's home.

Jaxie had Accidentally awoken him up by stepping on his foot.

Now he couldn't sleep.

As the darkening night filtered through the windows of the house, his mind began to wander.

He started thinking about a couple months ago when Eris rejected his advances.

He glanced at her, her long ivory hair, shimmering even amongst the darkness, sprawled all across her sleeping bag.

"Would she now.....?"

Elios began to think.

But then he realized it'd probably be the same way again.


It didn't matter anyway, he didn't really like her anymore afterwards.

He glanced at his hand the ring that coincidentally Looked like hers.

Not having the courage to tell her that the ring was simply a coincidence .

"I guess she thought that the ring meant something greater....but like I found that ring In the lost and found randomly.

They're not even made of the same materials, mine just looks kinda similar.

Whatever she was a bitch anyways"

Elios thought.

He got up and decided to spend the night living how he wanted to, before the morning and his daily grind.

He exited the house quietly, stretched his feathered wings and soared into the night sky.

Elios looked around for a bit, seeing nothing but forest for a while, But then he spotted it.

A town.

He landed on to the very edge, right before where a paved path began.

It was slightly wet, like it had been rained on and was illuminated by the village.

He walked through the town but he didn't bother looking at anything particular because he was after one thing, a bar.

He hadn't drunk in almost five months, and he decided that he was finally at his breaking point.

He finally found a tavern, lit with red lights.

"The far doves inn?"

Elios thought, questioning the slightly strange name.

He entered the tavern, red illuminating every corner. He went straight to the bar and ordered a vodka martini.

With his drink of choice in hand, Elios looked around the bar and noticed that there was a strange room In the corner nestled away.

Whilst sipping on his martini, he creeped open the door, It was empty aside from a bed.

He shrugged, making nothing of it and walked away.

Elios sat on the bar for a while, finishing his drink, but then he spotted someone.

A guy with blue eyes and blue hair, Elios stood up and realized he was taller than the guy, He approached him.

Elios: "Hello cutie~ what brings you here?"

?: "h-..um hi?"

He blushed

Elios chuckled at him, stuttering and murmuring.

Elios: "My name is Elios"

Z: "M-Mine is Z"

Elios: "Ok Z, follow me~"

Z followed him to the empty room.

Elios laid him on the bed, kissing him gently.

"His whimpers are just.. Perfection.."

Elios thought.

Elios kissed Z a bit roughly and Elios could tell he liked it as he pulled into the kiss to make it deeper.

Elios opened his shirt, unbuckling his belt and he was left in his underwear,

Elios thought he looked sexy in that.

Z: "W-wait.. what are you doing..?"

Z looked confused as Elios opened his shirt, unbuckling his own belt and his pants.

Elios: "You're so innocent, hm?~"

Elios slowly opened his underwear, revealing his crotch that was already hard and was leaking with precum.

Elios inserted his mouth on his dick, twirling his tongue around it.

Z moaned out loudly, Elios locked the door so it was just them.

Z: "s-slow down~!"

Elios didn't listen to him, his head was bouncing up and down, his eyes piercing into his navy eyes meanwhile Elios's white, lustful eyes met his.

Z was moaning in pleasure, just moments later as he came, Elios swallowed his cum, licking his lips.

Z: "I'm so sorry! Spit it out!"

Elios: "too late.."

Z blushed.

Elios turned him around so that his ass faced his dick, which he would use sooner or later.

He prepared him first, inserting one finger into his asshole. He started moaning in pleasure

Z: "ah..~! S-stop~!"

His moans turned Elios on more as he started going faster, from one finger to 2 fingers.

Z was drooling a lot, his crotch having more precum coming out.

Elios started feeling his crotch rising up, wanting to be inside of him.

Elios: "This will hurt.. so bare with it~"

Elios opened his underwear and revealed his 10 inch dick, Z gulped as he looked back to see it.

Not moments later as Elios put the tip inside him.

Z moaned out loud, and Elios soon began to ram in him hard, He was a moaning mess.


The way Z called Elios's name as daddy made Elios turn on more as he quicken up his pace, fucking him deeper, harder and faster.

Elios filled him with his hot cream and Z was breathing fast, uncontrollably drooling. It seems like he wanted more.

Elios flipped Z so his face was staring at his.

He kissed him with his tongue exploring each other's mouths.

Z moaned in his mouth as he was starting to pump my cock.

Soon, Elios stopped and placed him on the floor.

Elios: "Suck"

Z stared at his erected crotch and gulped.

But Z didn't want to make him wait, so he slide his mouth in his cock slowly, but he got impatient and started face fucking Z on his own. Z's muffled moans were audible, and the sound of skin clapping filled the room.

Z had tears of pleasure.

Z: "mmh~.. Ngh~!"

Elios enjoys his moaning so much that he quickened his speed.

Elios then came into Z's mouth and pulled out of his mouth

Elios: "baby..~ look at me and swallow~"

Z did what he ordered him to and it felt hot in his mouth. 

A couple hours later, Elios returned back to Siren's house very tired and fell asleep immediately.

Authors note!

Happy Pride month ;)

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