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"Jeon Jungkook do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawful wedded wife"Priest asked

"I do"cold voice

"Kim Taehyung do you take Jeon Jungkook as your lawful wedded husband"priest

"Y..yes I do"small voice

"Now i officially announced you both are husband's, you may now kiss eachother"priest

Jungkook turned to look taehyung, who was looking down while fiddling with his wedding ring

Jungkook pulled taehyung by his waist and tilted his head and leaned on taehyung while looking at him with his dark eyes

"I will make you see the real hell Kim Taehyung, you will see the real Jeon Jungkook ready for that"whispered on his lips, taehyung looked at him with hurt and fear

Those who watch from outside, like they're kissing, jungkook stepped back and wiped his mouth like he kissed him

They clapped, jungkook parents come and blessed them

Not so many peoples presented there, only their family and friends, because jungkook is still studying after his graduation they're planning to announce officially

Taehyung smiled at his father and hugged "i..i will miss you appa"broken tone

"Appa will miss you also bear.. don't cry hmm.. appa is always here for you whatever situation, from now on you're going to have a happy family, take care of your husband, you know he is still studying and take care of yourself hmm appa love's you"mr Kim kissed taehyung forehead

Taehyung smiled sadly and wiped his tears

Taehyung don't have mother, he have only his father, his mother dead in a accident when he was young after that his father is taking care of him

They're not rich like jeon's, Taehyung's father working at Jeon corporation as an employee, jungkook father asked taehyung's hand for his son, mr Kim also agreed, who not agrees? Because jeon's family is the one of the richest family in South Korea

If you want to leave as their son-in-law, you need a fortune.

Taehyung is a English professor, he currently working at jungkook college ofcourse Jeon's college

Jungkook is the famous bad boy in the college, everyone fear for him especially Teacher's, because he is Jeon's blood

He is powerful than his father,if he want something he will get it hook or by crook

Mostly, he is known as a fuck boy, he don't care about anyone or anything, students nor teacher's won't dare to complain about him

He is good at in everything... studies, sports, etc....

Taehyung is very sensitive and soft creature,

He loves kids so much, so that's why he is working as a teacher

He see's his student's as his own childrens, they love him also...but expect one person...

Jeon Jungkook hate his english teacher so much, because he stoled Jeon heart when he saw him first time, yes love at first sight, he is the first person who got attention from From the bad boy Jeon...

But he won't agree that feelings, He don't believe in love, he thinks they are waste of times...he hate the feelings so much when he see the elder...

For him, the relationship is just sex...

He has a bestfriend Jackson, he will do anything for him, they are bestfriends from childhood, they are three in the gang Jungkook, Jackson, yugyeom...

Now he is not regretting marrying taehyung because he loves him...but he don't know about his own feelings...


"Son-in-law take care of my son"Mr Kim said

Jungkook smiled at him and assured him, only taehyung know that smile is fake

"Its time for to go son's, have a safe journey"Mr Jeon said to the new wedded couples

"A..appa take care yourself, eat medicines in time, i will call you daily Pick up my calls okay?.. don't drink too much... miss you"taehyung cried

"Aishh i am not a kid tae i will take care of my self go go your husband is waiting for you"Mr Kim patted taehyung's shoulder

Taehyung sat on the passenger seat and waved at his father, who smiled at him through the tears

Jungkook drove his car towards his house, he living alone from his parents because he want privacy...

Their mansion is too big for him and too noise, his father's bodyguard and workers always around the mansion, so he started live alone from his parents

Taehyung looked outside of the window with tears following from his eyes, this is the first time he going alone from his father, he always stick with his father whatever situation, he loves him more than anything, but now he forced to leave him alone and got in a hell.

Jungkook glanced at taehyung and rolled his eyes"always cry baby"mumbled at himself

"Would you stop crying, because my ears are aching"Jungkook said

Taehyung wiped his tears and held his sobs back

Jungkook glanced at him and raised his eyebrows in confusion

"Why he didn't said anything?"Jungkook asked himself

"Hey look, i married you because of that you don't have rights on me , don't meddle on my business and mind your own job okay?!, we're couples infront of our parents, not at home and collage okay?!---

And Don't bring your colleagues or friends at my house, if you want to invite anyone first ask my permission okay?!"Jungkook said while eyes on the road, he frowned when he didn't get any response from the elder

He glanced at taehyung who is looking outside of the window with a blank face

"Heyy!!"Jungkook shouted

Taehyung flinched and looked at jungkook with wide doe eyes


"Did you heard anything I said?"Jungkook asked in his deep voice

"I..i sorry i..i will do whatever you s..said"don't know what jungkook asked or said

"Whatever"Jungkook rolled his eyes and sped his drive

Soon jungkook stopped his car infront of a house, taehyung was going to unbluck his seat belt but jungkook stopped

"Stay here i will be back in a half an hour"Jungkook said and hoped out from the car

Jungkook knocked on the door soon a blond coloured hair girl opened the door and hugged jungkook with a sweet smile on her face

Taehyung looked away from there with a hurt expression, when he saw jungkook pressed his lips on that girl and closed the door with his right leg.


How was the chapter cupcake's, sorry for not updating, i forget about this book😅i already wrote this before...i really forget to post 🙂 like and comment guys love you so much😚💜
[Ignore my mistakes]

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