His Son

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"Hello hyung"Jungkook

"Jungkook did you see the news?"Namjoon asked

"Which news hyung?"Jungkook asked

"Kook switch the news channels hurry up"Namjoon said

"Don't hang up the call, just switch the news channels okay"Namjoon said

Jungkook turn on the tv and switch the news channel

He waited to finish the advertisement

He tapped his foot on the floor impatiently

"Time's now today's headlines"

"Wang corporation CEO Mr Jackson Wang got arrested by molesting his company staffs,they were saying he sexually assaulted the women's in his company, We got his videos and photos, Someone reported us with this informations, Thank you sir for informing us this good news, let's get to the video"

*Video playing*

Jungkook smirked as he is the only person who took this video and send this to his friend who is working as a reporter



"Are you happy now?"Namjoon asked

"No hyung I want him to die, don't let him sleep in the jail, arrange people's there to torcher him"Jungkook said gritting his teeth

"Okay kook"Namjoon said and disconnect the call

Jungkook threw the phone on the couch and smirked widely

Taehyung stared at the news channel with blank face as this is not what he want

Jackson deserve to die

He closed his eyes and went from there

Gukk stared at his mother worriedly and looked at his father who is sitting on the couch with a blank face

After saw this news everyone face became blank

Mr and Mrs Jeon looked at eachother then stared at their son worriedly.

Gukk walked inside taehyung room who is laying on the bed sideways

Gukk laid beside taehyung and hugged him from back

"What happened gukkie"Taehyung asked

"Mumma is sad"Gukkie said in a small voice

Taehyung turn and faced gukk who is looking at him with deer eyes

"Mumma is not sad baby"Taehyung said Caressing gukk head

"If you don't want to stay here let's go somewhere"Gukk said

Taehyung stared gukk with a smile as he pulled his son close to his chest

"Don't work your little brain too much, mumma is okay"Taehyung said pecking gukk head

Gukk smiled and burried his face in his mother's chest

Taehyung hummed a tone while patting gukk back who is sleeping in his chest with a open mouth

Soon sleep took over him.

Jungkook slowly stepped inside taehyung room,

He saw his precious life's is sleeping peacefully on the bed

He smiled and walked towards them

He sat beside gukk as he couldn't see their face

He turn on the night lamp and faced gukk face who is sleeping in his mother's arms

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