Hurt and pain

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"Stay here i will be back in a half an hour"Jungkook said and hoped out from the car

Jungkook knocked on the door soon a blond coloured hair girl opened the door and hugged jungkook with a sweet smile on her face

Taehyung looked away from there with a hurt expression, when he saw jungkook pressed his lips on that girl and closed the door with his right leg.

"Hmm~jungkook"that girl pushed jungkook from her

"What?"tried to kiss her again, but she stopped him

"My parents are here jungkook"The girl said

Jungkook groaned and pulled away from the girl, he slicked his hair back

"Can we go to your room"jungkook asked

"But they"the girl looked down

"I am fucking hard rose!"Jungkook shouted

"Shh they will here us, please go now we can't do anything now please"Rose pleased

Jungkook sighed angrily and left from there without saying anything

Taehyung wiped his tears that running on his cheeks, he flinched hardly when he heard the car door closed loudly

Jungkook started the engine and drove to his house, taehyung stared at younger beside him, he noticed that the younger is angry

"A..are o..okay?"Taehyung asked jungkook with a worried face

Jungkook didn't said anything he glared at taehyung and gritted his teeth

Taehyung bitted his lips and looked down at his lap,he started to fiddle with his wedding ring

Soon jungkook stopped the car infront his house and got down from the car, taehyung also got down from the car and walked behind jungkook

Jungkook dropped his body on the couch and groaned loudly

Taehyung explored his eyes on the interiors, he felt wow, the jeon's are really rich

Jungkook glanced at the elder who is looking at the house with doe eyes

Jungkook chuckled and stared at the beautiful male infront of him, his eyes trailed on the elder... his eyes, nose oh there is a little cute mole on that and the plumb lucious lips.

He gulped and looked away from taehyung, he stood up from the couch

"Hey come with me"Jungkook shouted and started to walk

Taehyung flinched and walked behind jungkook like a lost puppy

Jungkook opened a door for taehyung and looked at him

"This is your room now on and that's my room"pointed a room infront of them

"Don't disturb me and I won't disturb you, you can do whatever you want and one more thing, cook food for us everyday there is no maid here, i don't like them they're so noisy"Jungkook said and walked towards his room

Taehyung stood there while processing everything what the younger said he came out from his thoughts

He stared at the closed door and sighed sadly, he went inside his new room and sat on the edge of the bed

"A..appa i m..miss you"whispered eyes became teary

"W..why are you crying tae?'re just burden to everyone, stop your fucking cry and accept your fate tae, no one gonna save you from this hell, die here"Taehyung mumbled himself and layed down on the bed and curled up like a ball, he cried silently

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