Love begins

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3 years later.

Everything went back normal in Jeon mansion

Taekook are back together like before

But this time they have their lovely son with them.

Jungkook is more happy than before cause why not his Taehyung and his son is with him taking care of him like a baby he is.

This is enough for him to live his whole life.

Today their little prince first day of his college

The Jeon mansion is fully mess in the early morning

Maid's running here and there to get their young master's shoes and bag while their little prince is sitting there staring at his mother who is feeding him his breakfast

"Be a good boy, don't get into fights and focus on your studies okay?"Taehyung said feeding Gukk

Gukk nodded his head while munching as he looked at jungkook who is also eating his breakfast.

"Appa"Gukk called in a soft

"Yes champ"Jungkook asked while driving towards gukk college

"Why don't you take mumma for a date he would be like to going out"Gukk said

"I know baby, i called him last time but he rejected me"jungkook pouted

Gukk laughed and shook his head

"Ask him one more time, he will come"Gukk said

"Okay bub, ah and call me when you finish your classes i will come and pick you"Jungkook said

Gukk said an okay as he sat there silently

Soon they arrived the university.

"Bye take care champ" Jungkook said

"Bye appa"Gukk said and pecked jungkook's cheeks

Jungkook smiled and Patted gukk head as gukk got down from the car with a cold face

Jungkook smiled at the sudden change of gukk and drive away from there.

Gukk stared at his new college with a blank face

He started to walk inside the university holding his infamous poker face

"Heyy"A boy come towards gukk with a smile

Gukk looked at him and started to walk with a straight face

"Are you new here?"The boy asked

Gukk hummed while walking

"I am minjoon, 1st year business"Minjoon said walking with gukk

Gukk stopped and minjoon with a poker face

"Hehe just thought to ask your name nothing else"Minjoon laughed nervously

"Jeon Gukk, 1st year business"Gukk said coldly

"Wooah so we are in same class"Minjoon squealed and put his hand on gukk shoulder

Gukk chuckled at the cute boy infront of him

"Let's go"Minjoon started to walk hands on gukk shoulder

"My sister is graduated here, that's why i took admission here"Minjoon said

"My appa also studied here"Gukk said

"Woahh that's cool, what's your father name?"Minjoon asked

"Jeon Jungkook"Gukk said

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