Little Romance

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"Jeon!"Taehyung shouted

Jungkook Bambi eyes widened and ran to kitchen immediately

He peeked his head inside the kitchen hiding his big body behind the door

There Taehyung standing infront of the fridge wearing one of jungkook shirt which is too long for him, while his hands on hips looking so adorable

"Come here!"Taehyung glared jungkook who slowly walked towards taehyung with a pout

"I told you to not drink banana milk, you have a high fever jeon can't you listen to me once time?"Taehyung scold jungkook

Jungkook bambi eyes started to fill with tears, his pouty lips wobbled

"I..i am s..sorry"Jungkook mumbled and looked down

Taehyung sighed and walked closer to jungkook then hugged him

"I didn't mean to shout at you koo, you got cold baby,look at your face it became pale because of the fever"Taehyung caressed jungkook's cheeks softly

"You're still burning, i will make  soup for you, then fever will go hmm"Taehyung said staring at jungkook who is still looking down with a pout

"I am sorry koo"Taehyung pecked jungkook's nose and lips

Jungkook nodded his head slowly

Taehyung smiled and began to cook soup for jungkook

Jungkook back hugged taehyung nuzzling his face in taehyung's neck

Taehyung smiled and pecked jungkook's coconut head

Jungkook caressed taehyung's waist, his hand slowly moved to taehyung milky honey thighs and caressed it sensually

He nuzzled his nose harshly in taehyung's neck and slide his hands inside taehyung shirt, graced taehyung soft area

Taehyung bitted his lips harshly,

Jungkook pecked taehyung's neck and sucked it harshly, yearning a soft moan from taehyung

Jungkook slide his hand inside taehyung panty and traced his middle finger on taehyung's pink bud

Taehyung threw back his head on jungkook's shoulder while moaning softly

Jungkook turn off the stove and took taehyung in bridal style then began to walk towards their room

Taehyung wrapped his arms around jungkook's neck resting his head on jungkook's hard chest

[Mature content ahead]

Jungkook throwed taehyung on the bed and hoverd over him while removing his black tshirt

Taehyung stared at jungkook with hooded eyes,

Jungkook clenched his jaw and pressed his lips on taehyung's kissing him hungrily

Taehyung gripped jungkook soft hair while moving his lips

Jungkook held taehyung waist and kissed him roughly, bitting the soft petal harshly, he pushed his tongue inside taehyung mouth and swirled around it

Taehyung moaned in the kiss and caressed jungkook's shoulder softly

Jungkook unbuttoned taehyung shirt one by one while kissing and sucking taehyung neck to collarbone

Taehyung parted lips left soft moans

Jungkook bitted his lips when he saw those soft plumb chest, while the pink brownish nipples are inviting him to ruin them

Jungkook threw the shirt somewhere and swirled his finger around the soft fluffy nipples

Taehyung burried his face in the pillow moaning loudly, his nipples are getting torchered so good by his husband fingers

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