He is Mine

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"I asked you something kid!!"Bogum said gripping gukk hair

Gukk eyes darkened as he stared at bogum blankly

Gukk yanked bogum's hands and about to leave from there but bogum grabbed his jersey collar and pushed him to the locker

Gukk groaned when he felt pain on his back

"Disrespecting your senior is not a good thing kid"Bogum said while gritting his teeth

Gukk chuckled and poked his tongue inside his cheeks

"Why are you looking at me like that?"Bogum asked glaring Gukk

"Do my doll know you're his lover hmm?"Gukk asked a smirk plastering on his lips

Bogum left gukk tshirt and pushed his hair back and forth

"You know what, he is damn hot and beautiful like i want to fuck him, so you better to shut up and do your fucking business "Gukk said as he stared at bogum with dark eyes

Bogum shoot him a glare and left a strong punch on gukk jaw

Gukk head tilted to side in the force,

"You're not strong at all senior, so bad, i will show you how punch will look like"Gukk chuckled and punched hardly on bogum face

Bogum fell on the floor holding his jaw

Gukk just stared at bogum with a blank eyes as his smile left long ago

"Here me carefully you gum or bum whatever, V is mine, i will marry him for sure, don't try to invade in my personal matters"Gukk said and walked out of the room fuming in anger

He stopped when he saw V standing there biting his nails staring at the floor nervously

Gukk walked towards him staring at him with a dark gaze

V looked up when he heard loud footsteps

V eyes widened as he saw the younger was walking towards  him, he was about to run from there before that Ggukk pinned V to the wall holding his wrist harshly

V cursed and tried to Kick gukk on his junior with his knees but gukk pushed his knees inbetween V's legs and stood closer to him making V gasped at their position

Gukk stared at V intimidatingly,

"Who is him?"Gukk asked in his deep voice

"Leave me fucker"V said gritting his teeth

Gukk gripped on V's cheeks harshly and leaned on him closer until his lips brushing on with V's

"Who is Him?!!"Gukk shouted before V

V flinched and stared at gukk with doe eyes

"What the hell are you doing?, he is my friend, first fucking leave me bastard"V shouted as he started to wriggle in gukk hold

Gukk clenched his jaw and kissed V harshly making V eyes wide

V thrashed in gukk hold but he deepened the kiss and pressed himself on V

Gukk left V's hands and gripped on his petite waist tightly

V tried to push gukk but he bite on his lips making him hiss in pain

Gukk squeezed V's waist roughly and swirled his tongue inside him tasting his sweet cavern

V gripped on gukk jersey and kissed him back

Gukk sucked V's bottom lips and licked on it sensually

He slowly pulled away from the kiss and pressed his forehead on V, who is breathing heavily clutching his small hands on gukk jersey

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