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He was about to walk out of the room but stopped when he saw taehyung standing infront of the door staring at jungkook with a emotionless face

Jungkook stared taehyung and about to walk past him but stopped again

"Are you trying to be good infront of me Jeon by taking care of my father?"Taehyung asked coldly turning to face jungkook

Jungkook bitted his lips and looked at taehyung

"No matter what I do now, you feel that way"Jungkook said with a sad smile

"I am the reason of his this condition tae, it's my duty to take care of him"Jungkook said looking at mr kim who is talking with gukk with a wide smile on his face

"I never saw him smile like this before, i am glad he is happy now"Jungkook stared at taehyung who is looking at his father

"Whatever you do i will not come to you Jeon, never"Taehyung said

Jungkook smiled sadly as he looked down at the floor with teary eyes

He doesn't know why it's hurt whenever taehyung say like this

He know he deserves this but still it's hurting

Taehyung walked past jungkook to downstairs

Jungkook breathed out and pinched his bridge of his nose not to cry.

"Mumma"Gukk sit beside taehyung who is reading books

Taehyung glanced at gukk with a smile

"Can we go to our home?, I don't like being here"Gukk said with a pout

"We can't go now baby, our grand pappa is not well we can't leave him in this condition after he recover we can take him with us hmm, now let's stay here for three months"Taehyung said caressing gukk hair

"Then?"Gukk asked staring at taehyung

Taehyung retracted his hands back from gukk head and sat silently

"After three months later grand pappa didn't recovered fully what will you do mumma?"Gukk asked

"I will do something"Taehyung said in a shaky breath

Gukk became silent as he don't know what will happen after three months, he trust his mother

"Mumma I have school"Gukk pouted

"I will inform your school about your leave don't worry hmm"Taehyung smiled

Gukk smiled as he laid on taehyung lap

Taehyung caressed gukk hair and began to read book

Gukk nuzzled his face in taehyung's tummy and slept in his mother's embrace.

1 week later~

At night~

Taehyung stared at gukk with a smile who is eating while talking with him

"You know i hate that school, but i will miss my next month match"Gukk pouted

They averted their gaze at the door

Jungkook walked inside the house holding a paper bag in his hands

Jungkook placed a Letter like a appointment letter infront of taehyung who looked at jungkook and then the letter

Gukk stared all of this with his dark eyes as he don't even like jungkook presence beside them

Gukk grip got tighten around the spoon he was holding as he clenched his jaw in anger

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