The truth

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"Hey can I ask you something?"Gukk asked in his normal voice

Jungkook just nodded his head slowly while his eyes on the road

"Why you left us?"Gukk asked staring at jungkook with emotionless face

Jungkook stopped the car and gulped visibily

"Why?"Gukk whispered again

"G..gukk we should not talk about this now you have to attend the match right?"Jungkook asked starting the engine

"No i want to know"Gukk said getting out from the car throwing his school bag on the seat

He slammed the car door forcely and walked towards jungkook

Jungkook sighed and got down from the car

Gukk sat on the driver seat and faced jungkook

"Now tell me why you left us"Gukk asked staring at jungkook

Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at gukk with teary eyes

"I forced to let your mother go"Jungkook said

"What you mean?"Gukk asked confusedly

Jungkook chuckled sadly

"I love your mother more than you think champ, i will never hurt your mother intentionally, Jackson my friend he forced me to hurt your mother"Jungkook gulped

"This is bullshit!! He is your husband, if your friend come between you,
You should have stayed for your husband don't be ready to give up for someone"Gukk said angrily

"I wasn't champ, he used my parents as his weapons, he threatened me that he will sue our company using by illegal things and he created a news by himself"

"That time company wasn't in my name, if he give case to the court my father which means your grandfather will go to jail instead of me"Jungkook bitted his lips to not burst into tears as he is really controlling himself to not breakdown infront of his son

Gukk stared at jungkook with blank face

"Why he did that?"Gukk asked

"He is obsessed with your mother, you know what he said to me when i begged him to not do this"Jungkook pinched bridge of his nose

"If i let go of your mother from my life he will withdraw the case"

"I don't have no problem going to jail, I know Taehyung will understand me and wait for me

"I resisted him but he took the case to court,my father will go to jail and after knowing about that my mother will die"Jungkook eyes left a tear

"I have no choice but to do this, I don't know your mother were pregnant that time, i am sorry, it's all my fault, you guys can leave if you want, but stay with me for some days, after you both can go wherever you want i will never come into your life promise"

Tears rolled down on jungkook cheeks

Gukk stared at his father with his red eyes

Jungkook wiped his running tears and leaned towards gukk

"It took me a long time to find you both, i am happy now, I love you both so much baby, I know my existence made hurt you both, i will never come into your life again it's a promise"Jungkook said in a broken tone and kissed on gukk forehead holding his head

Who closed his eyes tightly, this time gukk didn't swatted his father hands away from him

He isn't afraid anymore, jungkook himself said he will let them go so why would he scared of?.

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