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"Tae i am sorry i will never do this again i am really sorry"Jungkook walked behind taehyung who is walking towards his car fastly after saw him with children


"Are you stalking me Jeon?"Taehyung turned towards jungkook angrily

"No petal i will never do that, it's just i got curious that you were you going out in the weekend day i thought you left to see your friend"Jungkook said and immediately regret

When taehyung glared him

"I am sorry"Jungkook mumbled and looked down

"You're really something Jeon!,you can have everything! why I can't do anything my own?!,if i gone to see my friend what's your problem huhh?"Taehyung raised his voice

"I didn't mean that petal"Jungkook tried to explain

"I don't want to hear anything from you, we have nothing jeon, we are legally husbands not by heart"Taehyung said and slammed his car door after getting in the car, he drove away from there fastly

Jungkook sighed and pushed his hair back frustratedly.

Taehyung opened his room door and walked towards the bed

He sat on the bed fuming in anger, he didn't expect that jungkook will follow him and spy him like this

Taehyung sighed and threw his jacket on the bed with a angry pout.

2 weeks passed~

In this two weeks jungkook tried his best to gain taehyung forgiveness but taehyung being taehyung he just ignored him like he didn't exist

But deep down in his heart taehyung liking his husband little acts

But he will never going forgive this muscle bunny so easily*hmmpp*

"Petal"Jungkook whined

Taehyung glared jungkook, jungkook showed his puppy eyes but didn't worked


"Stop calling me with those names"Taehyung said with blushy cheeks

"But i like to call you like this"Jungkook pouted

Taehyung rolled his eyes and started to read his book







"My queen"



Finally taehyung looked at jungkook with red cheeks

"Jeon stop it"Taehyung said with a shy smile

Jungkook pouted and rested his head on taehyung's lap while sitting on the floor before the couch

Taehyung looked at jungkook with wide eyes

"What are you doing Jeon?"Taehyung asked

Jungkook didn't said anything he took taehyung hand and rested on his head, made him caress his head

Taehyung lips curved into a small smile and caressed jungkook's head softly

"What happened to you?"Taehyung asked

"Nothing petal"Jungkook said

"You're not like this before"Taehyung said caressing jungkook hair

"You will not believe if i said"Jungkook pouted

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