I love you

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Taehyung eyes left pain tears as he trying to get up from the floor

He snapped his head towards the door when it opens with a loud thud

He breathed in relief when he saw jungkook

"Petal what happened baby?"Jungkook asked worriedly and took taehyung in his arms and made him laid on the bed

"I..i g..got s..scared"Taehyung sniffed

"I was making breakfast for you petal"Jungkook said Caressing taehyung's hair

Taehyung stared at jungkook with a pout


"Want me to help you with bath?"Jungkook asked

"C..can you t..take me to bathroom"Taehyung asked hesitantly

"Sure love"Jungkook said took taehyung in a bridal style and walked inside the bathroom

He made taehyung sit on the counter and gone to prepare a bath for taehyung

Taehyung observed jungkook every moves

"Call me when you finish bathing,i will wait outside of the bathroom"Jungkook said with a smile

Taehyung nodded his head and tried to get up from the counter

Jungkook helped him and made him stand on his feet

Taehyung hissed in pain when his feet touched on the floor

"A..are you okay baby?, want me to help you?"Jungkook asked hesitantly

Taehyung looked at jungkook with red cheeks and fiddled with his fingers

Jungkook took this sign as yes, he took his shaky hands towards taehyung tshirt

"C..can i..i remove this, you will feel comfortable when you bathing"Jungkook said nervously

Taehyung bitted his lips shyly, jungkook asking his permission for to remove his tshirt, his stomach flipped

Taehyung nodded his head slowly while staring at the floor

Jungkook slowly removed taehyung's tshirt not looking at his body, his eyes just glued on taehyung's red face

Taehyung stand infront of jungkook all naked

Jungkook held taehyung waist protectively made him sit on the bath tub

Taehyung closed his eyes feeling so warm under the cold water

Jungkook sat beside taehyung and caressed his hips

"Paining?"Jungkook asked give small massage to taehyung hip

Taehyung rested his head back on the bath tub and looked at jungkook who is focused on the massage's

"Jeon"Soft voice

"Hmm"Jungkook hummed softly

"Do you really love me?"Taehyung asked

Jungkook stopped his actions and stared at taehyung

"You still don't trust me right?"Jungkook asked with broken tone

"I didn't said that jeon, i am not ready for another breakdown, if you really love me don't break my trust, i really trust you"Taehyung said with a smile

"I love you so much petal, i will never ever break your trust, it's promise"Jungkook said and pecked taehyung's forehead

Taehyung know promises are meant to be broken but he trust jungkook

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