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Taehyung looked at jungkook with a unreadable face

"Done?"Taehyung asked


"Give me poison Jeon,i will eat it"Taehyung said with a glossy eyes

Jungkook left taehyung hand and gulped the lump pain feeling on his throat

"You've so many peoples to lay beside you in the bed Jeon, don't think me as them, i am your wife, i also have feelings Jeon don't forget that"Taehyung said and left from there with teary eyes

Jungkook looked at the retracting back of taehyung

Jungkook eyes started to leave tears, he love the elder so much but he can't accept the feeling, scared of taehyung will leave him like everyone

He didn't meant to hurt the elder like that but his past still haunting him.

He is scared of show his love towards taehyung,

He is scared of the this feeling,

He is scared of this word love.

Jungkook gripped his head with teary eyes.

Taehyung closed the door with a thud and leaned his back body on the door

A painful sob escaped from his mouth, that he was holding for a long time

He slide down from the door to floor and Sobbed hardly,

He controlled his feelings towards for the younger but he failed whenever he see jungkook , he falls for the younger deeply

"Why? Why my heart beating so loudly when he comes to me?, why his words hurting me? Why God?!"Taehyung sobbed while clutching on his chest tightly


Next day~

Taehyung walked towards his class with a swollen face

He entered the class and greeted students

"Did you all finish the questions I gave you two days ago?"Taehyung asked coldly

Students didn't said anything he received only silence

Jungkook stared at the male with worried face, the elder didn't ate anything from yesterday locking up himself on the room ignoring him so much

He bitted his lips and stared at his husband with worry

"I am asking to you! Did you all finished?!"Taehyung raised his voice

"ANSWER ME?!"He slammed his books on the desk

Students flinched and looked down

Taehyung glared everyone with red eyes

His eyes stopped at jungkook who is looking at him blankly

"I have to get that work done today, you understand?!"Taehyung said angrily

"UNDERSTAND?!"Taehyung shouted

"I have to get everyone work, and if I got to know someone didn't work, then the rest is up"Taehyung said angrily while glaring jungkook


"I don't want to hear any excuses, I have given you all more freedom than you need, i just ask to do that simple questions, Can't you do that too?!"Taehyung shouted

Students looked down hearing their sweet teacher yelling at them for the first time for didn't finish a simple work.

"I am done with you all, as i said i want to get that work finish today itself!, and after that i will teach"Taehyung said and left from there

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