I never...

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[Mature content ahead]

Jungkook hoverd over the naked taehyung sliding his hard length inside taehyung with a groan

Taehyung gripped the bedsheet tightly as his lips left a loud moan

Jungkook began to thrust inside taehyung fastly while squeezing his soft swells roughly swirling and rolling his rough fingers around the pink brownish nipples

"Mm~ha"Taehyung moaned

Jungkook fastened his pace gripping taehyung's waist tightly leaving his hand print there

"Fuck petal"Jungkook groaned

Taehyung eyes left pleasure tears as he staring at his husband dark hooded eyes

Jungkook thread taehyung white milky thighs with his rough fingers and wrapped taehyung legs around his waist

Jungkook sucked taehyung jaw and neck while fucking him hardly

Taehyung closed his mouth with his palm as he is moaning loudly in the pure pleasure

Jungkook rolled his hips making taehyung arch his back in the bed

Jungkook nuzzled his face in taehyung's neck and began to whisper dirty talks on taehyung's ear

Who is moaning while hearing his husband dirty talks

"You're so good petal like i want to fuck you every day in every corner of our house"Jungkook said thrusting fastly

Taehyung soft moans and jungkook deep groaned echoed through the room

Jungkook looked down to see his dick disappearing inside his wife's little hole

The way his wife clenched around his length so good making him forget everything

Jungkook pressed taehyung legs into his chest and fastened his pace in an animalistic speed

Taehyung came clenching around jungkook's length

"Fuck"Jungkook cursed and came inside him.

Jungkook wrapped the bedsheet above their body and cuddled naked under the warm bedsheet

"Love you petal"Jungkook whispered before taehyung's lips

"Love you too"Taehyung smiled and pecked jungkook's nose and cuddled with him.

1 month later~

Today Jungkook is going to be a ceo in his father's company

But here Jungkook is whining and walking behind his wife with a pout cause he don't want to leave him

"Jeon you're getting late"Taehyung said sternly

Jungkook shook his head and about to kiss Taehyung but taehyung pushed him by pressing his finger on jungkook's forehead

"Button up your shirt"Taehyung said and crossed his arms above his chest

Jungkook pouted and started to button up his shirt.

"Always being a brat how will you work with this behaviour?"Taehyung scold jungkook while made him wear a tie who is standing before taehyung looking down with a pout

Jungkook lift one leg before taehyung who made him wear a shocks,

Jungkook lift his other legs also before taehyung.

Finally taehyung finished his works and made Jungkook stand

Jungkook stood up sulking,

"Behave like a good boy to everyone don't do anything dumb hmm, if you don't know anything ask to dad okay?"Taehyung said combing jungkook hair neatly

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