A little surprise.

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"Jeon Gukk please tell what actually happened?"Principal asked to the boy infront of him

Who giving him a cold aura,

"No need of that if you want to know check the cctv footage"Gukk said

"Gukk there is no cctv footage in the room, so please tell me"Principal chuckled

Gukk turned his head annoyingly,

Principal sighed and glanced at aarav who looked at him with a nervous smile

Aarav turn to gukk side,

"Gukkie say something to principal he will take action"Aarav whispered at gukk

Gukk stared at aarav face and looked away from him

"Call me Jeon gukk that's enough"Gukk said coldly

Aarav bitted his lips and nodded his head

Principal grabbed his phone and dailed a number.

"Kook why are you standing there come fast!"Namjoon yelled at the male

Jungkook eyes trailed on the floor and then glanced at the closed principal room

"H..hyung wait here for some minutes"Jungkook said in a small voice

"For what?! You have meeting jungkook"Namjoon said

Jungkook bitted his lips as he looked at namjoon with bambi eyes

Namjoon sighed and said okay,

Fifteen minutes passed jungkook is still looking at the principal door patiently

"Kook, it's already late let's go"Namjoon pleaded

Jungkook glanced at namjoon and then the door, he sighed and started to walk out of the school

"Kook your father is calling"Namjoon panicked

Jungkook take the phone from namjoon and attend the call

"H..hello d..d-

"Where are you?"cold voice

"I am in newyork dad came to attend a meeting"Jungkook said

"I know, but you didn't attend the meeting right?, did you gone to hooking up with a girl around the newyork city?"Mr jeon chuckled bitterly

Jungkook bitted his in anger,

"No dad, i came to visit our school, sorry for the late, i am leaving now"Jungkook said in his deep voice and disconnect the call without waiting for his father answer

"What happened kook?"Namjoon asked

"He got to know that I didn't attend the meeting"Jungkook said with a sigh

"I told you right?! I was call-

"Let's go"Jungkook said and got in the car

Namjoon sighed and sat on the front seat

The car slowly move from there,

Jungkook started to read the presentation file

Namjoon checked jungkook schedules.

Taehyung parked his car and started to run towards the school entrance

He was about to hit on a car but he said sorry and hurried his steps towards the principal room.

"What happened why you stopped?"Jungkook asked

"A boy was about to hit on us sir thank God he didn't"Driver said and started the engine

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