First meet

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Jungkook glared at taehyung with his dark eyes and walked towards taehyung

Taehyung wide his eyes and gulped hardly

Jungkook stood infront of taehyung, taehyung stared at him with scared eyes

Jungkook stared at him with dark eyes and walked out of the class room

Taehyung finally breathed out and glanced at his student's who is looking at him with a confusion

He sighed and started to teach his lesson.


Jungkook walked towards his car and drove to his house while fuming in anger

He stopped his car infront of his house and stepped out

He walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, he took out 2 soju bottles and walked towards couch and dropped himself on the couch

He gulped down the soju and pulled out his phone from his pant pocket

He dailed someone number--

"Come to my house now!"Jungkook said through the phone and cutted the call without hearing answers from other line

He threw his phone on the couch and layed his head back on the couch

He closed his eyes and started to remember when he saw taehyung for the first time

Jungkook pov/

The day i met him was the beginning of everything

I still remember the feeling i felt when i saw him first---

I was talking with my friends in class while laughing, our class teacher got transferred so our first period was free

But woon our principal walked inside our class, but my attention got on a small yet beautiful male walking behind him holding a book in his small hands

"Good morning everyone, you already got to now your class teacher got transferred to daegu so today onwards mr kim will be your class teacher,

Mr Kim please have your comfortable time with students, then i will took my leave now"Principal smiled and walked out from the class

I didn't heard what the principal said my eyes only stayed on the beautiful male

I have never seen a such a beauty before!, he is so much more beautiful than the others, i can't move my eyes from him, He is such a definition of beautiful.

But my thoughts got broke when he started to speak with his deep honey voice

His ocean like deep voice is so soothing and i wanna hear those voice daily

"Hi everyone, I am Kim Taehyung your English professor and also your class teacher"Taehyung smiled

He smiled and all i could think was"Oh shit."

And he looked at me, i swear! I forget how to breath.

Eyes those damn eyes fucked me over.

Soon he looked away from me and started to talk with some students infront of his desk

But i didn't like the way he looked away from me

I never craved for a attention before until he looked away from me.--

I honestly don't know that a boy's ocean like deep voice can melt my heart within a minute

I honestly don't know that a boy's boxy smile can make my heart skip a beat

I honestly don't know that a boy's gaze can make me smile uncontrollably

Until I see him.

I hate him because I can't get him off my mind

I hate him because the feeling i felt whenever I see him

I hate him because i already know I fell in love with him.

Author pov/

Jungkook opened his eyes when he heard the door bell rang

He sighed and stood up from the couch and walked towards the door

He opened the door and saw rose was standing infront of him

He stepped aside from the door for rose getting inside the house

She walked inside and looked at jungkook who closed the door and slicked his hair back

"Why you called me Jungkook?"Rose asked

"You know why I called you then why are you asking me?"Jungkook said and walked towards the couch

She sighed and walked behind jungkook

"You know i have class, if my dad got to know I am skipping my classes he will throw me out from the house"Rose said

"I don't care"Jungkook rolled his eyes

Rose sighed and was about to sit on the couch but

"Go to my ry and wait for me there i will come after finishing this"Jungkook without looking at rose

She didn't said anything and walked towards jungkook room

Jungkook finished the whole soju bottles and walked towards his room while unbuttoning his shirt


Taehyung opened the door and walked inside the house tiredly

He walked towards the kitchen and poured some water into a glass and drink slowly

Then he walked towards his room, he stopped before his room and looked at jungkook room with a frown

He heard some scream of a girl and jungkook moans and groans

He gulped and opened his room door and closed behind it

He breathed and rested his head back on the door

He know he and jungkook doesn't have any relationship in this house

But still it's hurting to see his husband being intimate with other persons

He closed his eyes and slide down on the door and closed his ears with his small hands

He sobbed silently while hearing his husband grunts and groans with another girl.

After sometimes he washed himself and wore something comfortable dress

He walked downstairs for make dinner for them

He halted on his steps and gripped on the railings

He saw shirtless jungkook was sitting on the couch while watching TV boringly

He sighed and walked inside the kitchen and grabbed some vegetables from refrigerator for cooking.

"When you come back from collage?"Jungkook asked

Taehyung flinched and looked at his side

Jungkook was leaning on the wall with crossed arms

Taehyung bitted his lips and looked down

"E..evening"Taehyung said and started to do his job again

Jungkook hummed and stared at taehyung side profile

Whenever he looked at taehyung, he will fall in love with this beautiful male again and again

"Do you have any special one in your life?"Asked out of nowhere

Taehyung blinked his eyes and looked at jungkook with a question face

"Do you have?"Jungkook asked, he can hear clearly his heart beats

"Say no, say no please"Jungkook screamed internally


Hope you like this chapter enjoy cupcake's 🍓

Like and comment guys love you so much 😚💜

[Ignore my mistakes]

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