Baby koo

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He sighed in laziness and about to tie his shoe laces

"Hey kook!"

Jungkook looked up slowly, his  eyes widened

Jackson walked towards jungkook with a frown visible on his forehead

"What are you doing here?"Jackson asked confusedly


"Koo let's go"Taehyung said putting his card on the purse

"Koo?"Jackson asked

Taehyung looked up, his lips parted in shock

Jungkook gulped staring at taehyung and Jackson

"What are you guys doing here together?"Jackson asked with a raised eyebrows

Taehyung glanced at jungkook, who is standing there nervously

"I just saw him here, he is feeling not well, i thought to help him, he is my student right, it's my duty to take care of my students"Taehyung lied smoothly while glaring jungkook

Jungkook looked at taehyung with a open mouth

How can someone lie so confidently, if it was him, he would have fucked up this situation

"Oh what happened to you kook?, you should have called me, i have been there"Jackson said

He didn't even like it a bit that taehyung was helping jungkook

"I..i thought to not disturb you"Jungkook chuckled nervously

"Okay come with me i will drop you"Jackson said

"No! I..i mean i am fine jack"Jungkook said

"It's okay come with me-

"Jackson what are you doing here?"Taehyung interrupted the friends

"My uncle got admitted here, i came to see him"Jackson said with a smile

Jungkook clenched his jaw and poked his tongue inside his cheeks, staring at them with a slight of jealous

"Oh is he okay now?"Taehyung asked

"Yeah he is fine,i was about to buy the medicines for him that when I saw kook here"Jackson is smiling at taehyung

Jungkook licked his dry lips,

"What happened mr kim what are you doing here?"Jackson asked worriedly

"Oh i-i"Taehyung paused for a moment then said

"My husband is not feeling well so I brought him to see the doctor"Taehyung smiled

But here Jungkook and Jackson heart dropped the mention of the husband

Jungkook looked at taehyung with wide bambi eyes

While Jackson was staring at taehyung blankly

"H..husband?"Jackson asked

Taehyung nodded his head with a smile

"'re m..married?"Jackson stuttered

"Yes"Taehyung smiled

Jackson gulped and glanced at jungkook who is already looking at him with a wide eyes, like he also got shocked

"Okay i will be going, take care you too"Taehyung said and left from there with a sad face

Jungkook sighed and about to leave but Jackson stopped him

"You were know about this before right?"Jackson asked coldly

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