Craved for...

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"Y..young master we should head back home "Driver said to the boy who is sitting on a rock eating his favourite sweet corn

"Let's sit here for sometime uncle driver, this place is so beautiful"Gukk said while munching the corn

"M..master will get worried for you"Driver said trembling in fear

"It's already 8.00 passed we should go now"Driver said worriedly

"Don't worry, when we will reach home and get cash from Appa"Gukk said and Patted driver shoulder with a smile

"Y..young master your mother will get worried for you please attend their calls"Driver said

"No no we shouldn't attend their calls because i am in a mission this is the first step on my mission"Gukk said smugly

Driver stood there with a gloomy face as he don't know what to do with this bratty bunny

"Uncle you want some?"Gukk forward the sweet corn to driver

Driver smiled and took from gukk

They eat together while talking and laughing.

Meanwhile in Jeon mansion , taehyung is crying his heart out

Jungkook is trying to calm taehyung by patting his back

"Love don't cry our baby is fine hmm don't worry yourself"Jungkook rubbed taehyung back

"I..i am s..scared j..Jeon"Taehyung sniffed and clutched on jungkook shirt

Jungkook sighed and put taehyung head on his chest and pecked on it

"Hyung did you got any information about gukk?"Jungkook asked to namjoon who is holding his phone to ear with a shocked face

"Hyung"Jungkook called again

Namjoon startled and looked at jungkook with a wide mouth

"What kook?"Namjoon asked again

"Did you get any information about gukk?"Jungkook asked while rubbing taehyung back

Namjoon shook his head and walked out of the house holding his phone in his ear

"Gukk come home, where are you?"Namjoon whisper yelled

"Uncle don't be mad just inform me about mumma and appa i just want to make them together you know my mother is going to apply for divorce in the court i don't have any other choice to do this"Gukk said

"But you're making them worry, taehyung is crying and jungkook sitting here lifeless, stop this and come home"Namjoon sighed

"Just wait for one hour i will come"Gukk said sipping his banana milk

"One hour?! Noway!! Where is your driver, no, tell me where are you now i will pick you"Namjoon said

"Relax uncle driver uncle is with me don't worry and i will come home soon bye"Gukk said and disconnect the call

Namjoon stared at his phone in disbelief

He don't have any doubts gukk is really jungkook son, he can tell this from by gukk bratty behaviour

He sighed and stood there waiting for gukk to come.

"J..jeon g..gukkie w..will be alright r..right?"Taehyung stared at jungkook with teary eyes

Jungkook, who has tears also in his eyes

"Nothing will happen petal our baby will come home soon, namjoon hyung informed to police, we will find our gukkie soon don't cry please"Jungkook wiped taehyung tears

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