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Taehyung smiled, he is happy cause jungkook accepted his gift without any argument

He spent his 4 days searching a good perfume for jungkook birthday gift

Taehyung smile fell,

Jungkook chuckled darkly and threw it against the wall only to smash it into pieces

Taehyung flinched and looked at jungkook with teary eyes

"Pick every pieces with your toes, i will take it as my birthday gift"Jungkook said with a smirk plastered on his face

And with that jungkook left from there thinking taehyung will not pick the glass pieces as like he said

But taehyung pick every piece of glasses and leave it on the table with a note.

Taehyung sniffed and left from there whimpering in pain.

"Aa.. sh.. a..appa"Taehyung cried while first-aiding his forefoot wounds

He threw the cotton and held his barefoot crying in pain

"Why it's only happen to me?, What did I do wrong to have this life?, Why God?!"Taehyung cried

He curled up like a ball in the big bed and Sobbed hardly until he passed out.


"Bro what happened why are you not drinking anything?"Jackson asked to jungkook while sipping his wine

But jungkook was sitting like in a daze

Jackson frowned and shake jungkook

Who looked at Jackson with a frown

"Huhh? What?"Jungkook asked

"What? What?! I was calling you for long time, what happened to you?! Are you okay? You didn't even finished one glass"Jackson said

Jungkook sighed and sip his wine a little

They are in a club for celebrate jungkook birthday

A girl in her 20s wearing tight dress revealing her cleavage, came and sit on jungkook lap

"Jungkook"Seductive voice

Jungkook didn't said anything he sat there like nothing happened and drink his wine

She trace her fingers on jungkook's jaw to neck and his hard chest to his abs and move towards his length but jungkook stopped her by gripping on her wrist

She pouted and pressed her flat ass on jungkook hard one

Jungkook closed his eyes and tighten his grip on the glass

"Get up"Jungkook said in his deep voice

"Why daddy?, you don't want to taste me today, come daddy let's have a little fun"She whispered at jungkook

"I.said.get.up"Jungkook said

"Daddy~"She whined

Jungkook stood up from the chair in the force she fell on her bum

"DIDN'T YOU HEARD ME WHAT I SAID BITCH?! Fucking slut"Jungkook shouted and mumbled last part

The girl stood up from the floor and left from there furiously

He sat back on the chair and sipped the wine

Jackson looked at jungkook with a frown

"Hey kook are you okay buddy?"Jackson asked

"I am okay"Said coldly

"No you're not!,something happened, tell me Jungkook"Jackson said

"NOTHING HAPPENED!, I AM FUCKING OKAY, JUST SHUT UP"Jungkook said angrily and threw the glass on the floor

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