Miss you

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Gukk walked inside his house still wearing the juice stained dress

He fastened his steps to his room when he saw taehyung sitting on the couch with a laptop in his lap

"Gukkie"Taehyung called gukk worriedly

Gukk stopped and shut his eyes tightly,he slowly turned to taehyung side head hung low

Taehyung immediately stood up from the couch and went towards gukk worriedly

"What happened baby, why your dress have juice?"Taehyung asked caressing ggukk face

"Nothing mumma, i accidentally spilled some juice on me don't worry"Gukk said in a small voice still looking down

Taehyung know his son is lying to him,

That's why he is not looking at his face

"Go and freshen up i will make something to eat for you hmm"Taehyung said and pecked gukk forehead

Gukk nodded his head and slowly went to his room with teary eyes

Taehyung bitted his lips staring at gukk back with a glossy eyes

He knows his son got bullied by students,

It starting from he was studying in 3rd standard, that was the first time when Gukk got bullied

They're suffering because of one reason"Father or husband"

Taehyung couldn't even do his job properly because the students or teacher will make fun of him or will say names

He ignored them and focused on his son future,

But gukk didn't tell anything to taehyung any of this, he know how his mother working hard only for them,

He never shared his pain to anyone,

Day by day he started to grow more aggressive because of his pain,

He will became soft when he comes to his mumma, only taehyung can make him a human.

Taehyung caressed gukk hair softly who is hugging his mumma tightly burrieng his face in taehyung's chest

"What happened baby, you look so dull today"Taehyung asked

Gukk grip got tighten around taehyung waist, he fully burried his face in taehyung's chest

"Gukkie"Taehyung called softly

"I...i don't like that s..school m..mumma t..they are all b..bad p..people"Gukk stuttered

Taehyung frowned and hugged gukk tightly

"Its only one year baby then we can change hmm"Taehyung said softly

"W..why t..they h..hate us mumma what we did?,why that man left us?, h..he don't love me?"Gukk asked in a broken tone

Taehyung bitted his lips to not burst out into tears

Suddenly a small sob escaped from gukk mouth

"I..i h..hate him m..mumma"Gukk Sobbed loudly

Taehyung chocked into tears he patted gukk back trying to stop his cries

After some time later gukk fell into deep slumber

Taehyung caressed gukk soft hair while staring at him worriedly

He never cried because of jungkook,

This time something happened which made him cry like this

He will found out it soon.

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