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Jungkook was about to leave from his room

"Jeon"Taehyung called in a stern voice

Jungkook frozen on his spot

"Why are you doing this?"Taehyung asked facing jungkook back

Jungkook slowly turn towards taehyung with a raised eyebrows

"What you mean tae?"Jungkook asked confusedly

"Why are you doing this to me?, like you said you manipulate my son through your acts right?!"Taehyung walked closer to jungkook with red eyes

Jungkook stared at taehyung eyes which showing only pain and worries

"Petal what are you talking?, It wasn't my intention love, i love both you and Gukk, i will never do this lo-

"Stop it your acts you cunning bastard, listen carefully jeon, i will never- i will never come to your life again"Taehyung said and left from there

Jungkook licked his lips and blinked his eyes, he wiped his tears immediately and left from there

Gukk stared all of this with a furrowed eyebrows

He bite his inner cheeks and stared jungkook back.

Taehyung folded his clothes and placed it on his luggage

He has tears in his while packing his things

Gukk walked towards taehyung confusedly

"Where are you going mumma?"Gukk asked sitting beside the luggage

"Home"Taehyung said still packing

"H..home?why s..suddenly?"Gukk asked confusedly

"Thought to leave"Taehyung said

"When will you come back?"Gukk asked looking at taehyung with doe eyes

Taehyung stopped what he was doing

"Pack your bags also we are leaving today"Taehyung said with a straight face

"Uh? Why mumma what happened suddenly?"Gukk asked worriedly

"Gukk don't question me do what I said!"Taehyung said sternly

Gukk stared at taehyung face with glossy eyes

" mumma, i..i will not c..come"Gukk sniffed

Taehyung throw his bag on the floor forcely

Gukk flinched and looked at taehyung with a wide eyes

"What happened to you gukk?! Why are you acting like this now?! Did you forget what your father did to us huh?!"Taehyung shouted through the tears

Gukk lips wobbled as taehyung never shouted at him before

"M..mumma"Gukk sniffed

Taehyung breathed out and looked away from gukk

"Pack your bags immediately we are leaving that's it"Taehyung said angrily

" i..i will not come no matter what you say!!"Gukk shouted

"GUKK!!"Taehyung warned

"W..why mumma what happened to you?, appa didn't do anything intentionally"Gukk sniffed staring at taehyung with tears filled bambi eyes

"I already know that man said something to you which made you speak like that, whatever you say i will never believe that bastard"Taehyung wiped his tears harshly

Gukk walked closer to taehyung and held his mother both hands with his tiny one's

"D..don't you b..believe y..your g..gukkie?"Gukk asked sniffing

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