Finally decided.

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"Come in"Taehyung said while signing

"Who you want see si-

Taehyung froze on his spot when he saw the person after fifteen years who is standing infront of him with a smirk plastering on his pierced lips

Taehyung eyes started to leave tears,

He immediately wipe his tears and faced that man with blank face

"Who are you?"Taehyung asked coldly

The man chuckled darkly as he pulled back a chair infront of taehyung desk and sat on there

"Is this how you treat your guest Mrs Jeon"

"Don't call me that, it's mr kim for you!"Taehyung slammed his hands on the desk

"But you're still my legal husband right?"Jungkook smirked

Taehyung closed his eyes in anger, how he wants punch that dirty smirk from his face

"Petal"Jungkook called taehyung in his deep voice

"Don't call me that Jeon!"Taehyung glared jungkook while gritting his teeth

"Okay i don't want to fight with you, i just came to take you with me come let's go to our home"Jungkook said casually

"Which home you're talking about Jeon? Didn't you said that i am a slut right? You pushed me out of the house right? Then why I want to come with a cunning bastard like you?!"Taehyung asked

"Taehyung"Jungkook warned taehyung in a stern voice

"Just leave Jeon i don't like to talk with you"Taehyung started to do his works

"Come with me petal"Jungkook said in his deep voice

Taehyung slammed the books on the desk as he Glared jungkook

"Are you a deaf Jungkook?! Didn't you heard me what i said before, if you didn't leave now i will call the security!"Taehyung warned

Jungkook chuckled darkly as he stood up from the chair sliding his hands inside his black trouser pockets

"You got a good tongue I see"Jungkook chuckled

"Jungkook leave!"Taehyung warned again

"I will leave but you will come with me also"Jungkook said staring at taehyung with his dark orbs

"FUCKING GET OUT FROM HERE JUNGKOOK!!"Taehyung stood up from the chair furiously

Jungkook laughed,

"Why you're so cute petal even though you're shouting at me"Jungkook bitted his lips while smiling

"I will not come with you even if i dead just please leave from here"Taehyung stared at jungkook with pleading eyes

"I thought to make everything smoothly but you're being a stubborn brat petal"Jungkook tsked

Taehyung stared at jungkook with slight of fear but didn't showed in his face

Jungkook bite his inner cheeks as he stared taehyung

"You don't want to come with me, i want my son, i know how to take him with me be ready for that"Jungkook said in his deep husky voice

Taehyung eyes left tears one by one,

"J..jeon can't do that he is my son!"Taehyung shouted through the tears

"He is my son too"Jungkook chuckled

Taehyung glared jungkook with his red eyes

"I will give you two options taehyung,

1. You can come with me along with our son.

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